How To Use Crystals For More Love, Creativity, And Abundance!

Happy Friday! I hope you’re on the brink of a beautiful weekend. I’m sitting in bed listening to Views and trying to focus. Drake has so many feelings that it’s hard to do anything but pay attention to him! Haha!

Anyway, I wanted to share with you this video I did using Facebook Live the other day. It’s a mini-class on how to use crystals for more love, creativity, and abundance: how to pick your crystal, cleanse it, program it, and then use it. It was super-fun and the comments were flowing thick and fast! Just in case you missed the broadcast, I’ve embedded the video below.

I am on the edge of my seat waiting for Radical Self Love Coven to get started on Sunday! (The best way to celebrate Beltane, if you ask me!) Our first module is all about charms, energy and spellwork, taught by Tess Whitehurst. It’s 40 pages long, with weekly spell assignments, and I can’t wait to get started! The module looks gorgeous — see below — and I printed mine out and put it in a big binder. Mmmmm! Delicious!


If you want to join us on this very magical adventure, don’t forget that Radical Self Love Coven closes for enrollment on Saturday night (that’s tomorrow!). If you want to join us to learn about tarot, numerology, feng shui, astrology and spellwork, come throuuuuuuugh!

Magic and charms,