Introducing… Radical Self Love Letters!

Radical Self Love Letters

When I was in my early twenties, I felt like I was surrounded by chaos of my own creation. My life just kept spiralling, and happiness seemed a long way away; a distant hope at best.

I know that this feeling isn’t unique to me. I know that this is something we all battle with at times.

Can I speak to you for a minute? Because you found me — and I found you — for a reason. Because I know you. And I know where you’re at.

Deep down inside, you have a big dream… But you’ve pushed it aside because of what society tells you, and who you think you “should be”.

You’re scrambling to feel good about yourself, and sometimes it feels like the world is mirroring all your fears right back at you. You’re unsure of the source of your own happiness, and you don’t know how to tap into it at will.

You crave a deeper meaning and purpose to your life, but you know you’re definitely not going to find it doing what you’re doing right now.

You’re afraid of living a mediocre existence. Your worst nightmare is being “normal”. You’re terrified of being like everyone else: all those sad faces on the bus.

That’s not the real you. All of that stuff? It’s just a construct. It’s not your truth.

You crave the confidence to follow your heart. You want to live a life that’s expansive, full, exciting and challenging. You want to have the courage to travel alone, and the freedom to do it. You want to be happy… No matter whether you’re alone, or with a lover.

You want to live a life that lights you up.

What if I told you you can forget everything about who you think you are? What if I told you that you can be whoever you want to be? That’s why I created Radical Self Love Letters: a 30 day email program to lift you up and jumpstart your heart.

Radical Self Love Letters

What are Radical Self Love Letters?

One of the most challenging things about learning to fall in love with yourself is the fact that it is a daily practice, and it requires daily work. But our lives are all so busy and densely-packed that making time to engage in a little self-care quickly slips to the bottom of the priority list.

With Radical Self Love Letters, you’ll be getting a personalised email love note every day for 30 days. A reminder to live more boldly, be more exceptional, take more risks, be more compassionate, and cherish yourself.

Each letter contains my personal reflections, concepts to think about, a prompt or action to explore, and some wise words to keep your heart light.

Maybe you’ll read your Radical Self Love Letter in the morning, while you drink a cup of tea or chew your toast. Perhaps you’ll let it soak in as you travel to work, on the bus or train or in the back of a taxi. And maybe you’ll read your letter just before you drift to sleep. Either way, it will become a part of your routine; a way of carving out some time to focus on taking care of yourself.

A lot can happen in a month. Allow me to show you it’s possible to believe what you want, and do what you please.

The whole experience is $20.

Are you in? If so, click YES. You’ll get your first Radical Self Love Letter tomorrow!

You can read some testimonials right here. Still got questions? Hit me up on Twitter!

Endless love,

Photo by Chellise Michael.