New Moon Magic: November 2015


Mmmm, delicious! We’re just about to come up on a sexy New Moon in Scorpio. If you’ve been feeling a little bit low ebb, don’t sweat it: we’re in the midst of the Dark Moon, which is the time to take it slow. Dark Moon time is when we need to take our radical self love practice seriously. Get enough rest, eat well, drink as much water as you can stand, and be gentle with yourself!

Personally, I’ve been taking a lot of naps… And it has been wonderful!

To help you make the most of this delicious New Moon, Mystic Medusa has the astrological overview, and I’ve got suggestions for how to use the energy to your advantage. Let’s go!



L.A. – Wednesday 11th at 09.47
NEW YORK – Wednesday 11th at 12.47
LONDON – Wednesday 11th at 17.47
DUBAI – Wednesday 11th at 21.47
HONG KONG- Thursday 12th at 01.47
SYDNEY – Thursday 12th at 04.47

IN THE SKY… (Mystic Medusa)

19 Scorpio SOUNDS cool – like a spy from the future’s code name – and it is.

This is a New Moon in the most potent sign for regeneration of all – Scorpio, realm of the Phoenix, the comeback and self-driven resilience.

So if you’re looking for an opportunity to really dredge up and destroy some grotty old residue in your psyche, that you suspect could be prompting some non-optimal behaviour or feelings, this is your Moon!

It is also in strong aspect to Mercury (depth insights), Chiron (healing), Jupiter (Power/Money) and Uranus (Sudden Evolutions).

So anticipate or time strong dialogue and big new beginnings for the 72 hours from this epic New Moon.

Note – yes – that the lead-up to it could stir some REAL grot & not-always-pleasant fears or feelings. Mining these for the eureka flashes is a hell of a lot more augmenting and powerful than muffling them.

New Moons in Scorpio are sexy too!


ON THE GROUND… (Gala Darling)

Scorpio is serious transformation energy. If you need the nudge to leave behind something that isn’t working, this is an incredible time to start working that magic. Set the intention to leave, start making a plan, take your first steps towards freedom. Big change is right here for the taking if that’s what you desire!

New Moons are all about resetting our intentions and clearing the way for the new, so it’s a great time to give your altar (here’s how to create one!) a clean-up, a dust-off, and a spruce-up! Don’t just rearrange your crystals, though: add some new energy into the mix by decorating with photos of your personal idols and superheroes.

Take some time over the next few days to identify who these people are. You might find that your icons change depending on what’s going on in your life, and that’s totally fine. Right now you might be inspired by Tom Ford or SARK, and next month you’ll be invigorated by Diana Vreeland and Gloria Steinem. It’s all good! There is no right or wrong.

Use the power of Google Image Search (the powerrrrr!) to find photos of your idols that make you feel like they are looking right at you, telling you to go out there and GET IT. Then place them on your altar. You might like to talk to these photos for the next month, and let their energy guide you through the rest of November.

Scorpio is one of the sexiest signs of the zodiac. A Scorpio in full power can make every head in the place swivel! The good news is that you don’t have to be a Scorpio to do this — you just have to channel their mojo!

So, what does it mean to access your inner seductress? It’s different for all of us, but I encourage you to sit with this idea for the next few days and contemplate what it is you need to unlock that part of you. It might be as simple as buying a new lipstick or some violet lingerie, or it could be as in-depth as attending a class, going on a retreat, or getting some therapy. I believe that you know what is best for you. You are your own witch!

While we’re on the subject, be sure to check out Kitty Cavalier for her delicious take on sacred seduction! (Meow!) You’ll definitely find oodles of inspiration there.

It has been a weird few months, to say the least, but this is the time to gather up all your gumption and say the things you really need to say. Stop waiting for a permission slip to tell your truth, and don’t worry about how it’s going to “land” — just get the words out.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it: saying how you really feel and expressing the things you want or desire can be terrifying, and it doesn’t always end up the way you want it to. But if you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll never get it. Don’t dance around the topic or be passive-aggressive. Express your needs clearly and then let the chips fall where they may. The revolution has to happen inside you before it can occur anywhere else.

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” — Malcolm X

Happy New Moon, witch babies, and have a wonderful weekend. I’d love to see photos of your altar with your heroes all over it, and see you rocking out your inner seductress on the #radicalselflovecoven hashtag on Instagram!


P.S. Join me on Periscope at 12.30pm Eastern today for a #GratiScope and a letting-go ritual that you can participate in from home! xo

Photos from Wildfox Couture.