

When you want to make a change in your lifestyle — whether it’s abandoning an old habit or adopting a new one — you need support. In Illuminated, you’ll discover what is keeping you locked into your old behaviour, drop your resistance to change, and commit to feeling good!


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Quitting an old habit isn’t just about switching out your behaviour. It’s also about finding out why you’ve been doing it in the first place. Together, we will use tapping — a healing modality that combines acupressure and positive psychology — to help you get clarity around how your old habits have served you, and find new, healthy ways to get your needs met.

I created this class to help me quit sugar, and it’s designed to support you in abandoning any bad habits that you’d like to leave in the dust. For example, you might want to quit sugar, go vegan, stop overeating, quit smoking, cut down on your drinking, or even stop refreshing Instagram!

It’s more than just stopping an old habit. It’s about discovering why you were doing it in the first place.

After all, when it comes to bad habits, even if you drop one through the use of sheer willpower, without popping the hood, you’ll simply replace your old habit with another. In this easy 5 day class, we take a look at why we’ve adopted these bad habits, and why we’re using them. (Hint: the answer is almost always that we’re trying to avoid uncomfortable feelings.)

Every day, you’ll receive an email with a video containing a simple tapping routine. All you need is 10-15 minutes to yourself and a glass of water! Together, we will tap through the various facets of our old habits, and give ourselves plenty of room to be curious about whatever comes up.



Q. What’s the format?
When you sign up, you’ll receive an email* welcoming you to Illuminated, and then we’ll get started! You’ll get an email from me every day for 5 days. You’ll receive every piece of the class by email — that way, there are no logins or passwords to remember, and you get the information right in your inbox every day.

* If you don’t, check your Spam and Trash folders! If there’s still no trace, email us so we can track it down.

Q. Do I need any supplies?

Q. What is your refund policy?
As per industry standard, I don’t offer refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed. That having been said, I have never had anyone ask for a refund! I’m absolutely confident that if you work through the activities, Illuminated will help give you immense clarity around your old habits, and help you drop them for good.


"Thank you so much for Illuminated! I always get so much from tapping with you and this time was no exception. I'm tapping on drinking less and weekends tend to be the toughest. This weekend was a family reunion and some started drinking at noon Friday and continued until last night. After the first session on Friday I had 3 drinks all day. Did the second session yesterday and I didn't drink at all. I didn't even realize that until late last night. I feel amazing and free. I can't wait to finish!"

Wendy Malarsie

"I haven't had any diet sodas... And I also kicked an energy drink habit!"

Samantha Espino

"This is WORKING. I have been beating myself up SO much over mindless consumption of Netflix. I was emotionally up and down and felt I couldn't focus on anything. But since starting tapping I haven't watched Netflix and I've written a song about mindless consumption! Go me!!!"

Adele Martin

"This one was so awesome. Needed it so badly, I have terrible eczema on my face and eyes from allergic reaction. Haven't been able to look in mirror without getting really upset. I tapped so hard at first my hand hurt and then I fell asleep in my chair after. Best sleep ever."

Vaise Souris

More Testimonials

"Loving it, Gala! I've tapped before but I'm digging how easy and laid back your approach is. ... I did not have any smokes at all yesterday (or sugar either!). I'm uncovering that I need more loving connection in the evenings and I also need to practice soothing and relaxing myself in healthier ways."

Patricia Black

"Holy shit, this brought up SO MUCH for me surrounding my autoimmune condition - being angry and resentful of my body is deeply habitual for me. I'm actually going to do this again and build on it to really try and work some stuff out. Gala, you're amazing. Thank you so much!"

Kasey Brooks

Start Illuminated today!



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