MEMBERSHIP: $33/month
Love Bomb is a secret society for anyone who is ready for a relationship revolution! If you’re curious about deepening your relationships, loving unconventionally, and exploring sex and sexuality, Love Bomb will help you discover your highest potential, and become the lover of your dreams. In addition to our beautiful and supportive community, you’ll receive monhtly interviews with experts, exclusive videos to open your mind, Q&As to help you make sense of your romantic story, suggestions to bring into your life (and bedroom!), and prompts to help you uncover your truth.
When it comes to love, we all want to trust; to feel more confident and secure (and not lose our sense of self); and to check our baggage at the door so we can enter into new partnerships with a sense of ease and grace. This requires curiosity, openness, and an adventurous spirit. In Love Bomb, we explore the many facets of relationships so we can show up as our best selves.
The path to love isn’t as clear as it was twenty years ago. Marriages are on the decline, divorce is rife, and many of us are rapidly coming to very real conclusions about what our partners can — and can’t — do for us. These days, we have infinite options. That can leave us in a confusing looking landscape, and we don’t always know where to go for advice. Asking our friends can feel like the blind leading the blind!
Relationships, love, and sex are subjects I’ve always been curious about, and I’ve spent plenty of time in the field! I’ve had almost every kind of relationship you can think of, and I’m also very fortunate to be close with a huge number of people for whom the study of sex and love is their life’s work. It’s a constant topic of conversation, and I’ve made so many discoveries along the way.
That’s why Love Bomb is so exciting to me.
Love Bomb is a sexy secret society (with a dash of How To Be A Bad Bitch 101). Every month, we’ll explore a different topic. On the menu? Love, sex, intimacy, communication, being in your body, healing, relationships, polyamory, mysticism, dating, attraction, orgasms, marriage… And more! I know you’ll enjoy September’s topic, Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Lesbian Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask), no matter whether you’re gay or straight. (It’s all essential information for vagina owners!) And my August interview with a lap-dance teacher will help you think about your body — and its inherent sensuality — in a whole new way.
As a Love Bomb member, every month, you will receive…
Relationships are an enormous area and there is always more to learn! Every month, I pick an area that we could all improve on, and create a brand new, exclusive video that pertains to it. In this video, I’ll be discussing the subject at hand, sharing my own personal experiences, and asking you questions to help you explore the concept in your own way. Even better: it’s live, so you can interact with me as it happens!
Here’s where it gets juicy: you’ll receive a fascinating interview with someone who is an expert in the field. These interviews feature people from all walks of life, from sexual healers to love witches, from sex workers to psychotherapists. Their insights (and top secret tips) will blow your mind, and make you a better lover… Of yourself and others! Check out this sample below.
Theory is wonderful but implementation is everything. Every month in Love Bomb, I’ll be providing you with prompts and activities to help you realise the work in an external way. These challenges will make you see yourself differently, discover things about yourself you never knew, and delight you with what a badass you are! The only way we can get better at navigating love and relationships is by practice, and with Love Bomb, you’ll be actively encouraged to do that.
Sometimes, getting individualised feedback can make all the difference. Love can be tough, and it really helps to have someone to hash it out with. In Love Bomb, you’re invited to join a monthly Q&A broadcast with me and the other Love Bomb babes. During these videos, we’ll go even deeper on the topic of the month, as well as addressing the nitty-gritty issues you’re grappling with.
This is a topic that I’m completely obsessed with, and am researching all the time. I’ll be sharing all my best findings — podcasts, book recommendations, videos, and techniques — in the Facebook group. (Get ready… I read a lot!)
The community aspect of Love Bomb is one of the best things about it; it’s like an inbuilt sounding-board. Aligning yourself with like-minded babes is a great way to grow, shift your thinking, and realise that you’re not alone as you ponder all these subjects!
Love Bomb is for anyone who wants to bring their best self to their relationships, and is excited to use the exploration of love and sex as a vehicle for growth. This is such a rich and delicious area that we can mine to find out more about who we are, and discover new ways of operating in the world.
Love Bomb is for people who are open-minded and happy to have their beliefs challenged. We believe in the inherent good in others. This group is open to all genders, races, ages, and locations around the world. Since the material is all online, you’re welcome to join from any geographic location! You can begin at any time, and if you need to pause your membership, it’s easy to do so.
Q. I’m single. Is this still relevant?
A. Absolutely. The only way we can get better at navigating love and relationships is by practice, and with Love Bomb, you’ll be actively encouraged to do that. You don’t need an intimate partner to practice, either: you can try the techniques on friends, as well as yourself!
Q. My relationship isn’t monogamous/straight/conventional. Is this an inclusive space?
A. Yes! Everyone is welcome, regardless of gender, sexuality, or ideas about relationships. All that is required is an open mind and a commitment to love as self-expression.
Q. I’m not sure that I’ll have time to read and listen to all the material. Does it expire?
A. No, the material doesn’t expire. You’re welcome to catch up whenever you like!
Q. I just came out of a break-up and my thoughts and feelings are everywhere! Is this right for me?
A. Yes! This is a space for anyone who wants to improve their relationships, no matter where you’re coming from. We’d love to have you. I also recommend checking out my mini-class, Love Rehab, for a fresh take on healing that involves psychology, radical self love, and ritual!
Q. I don’t have Facebook. Is that going to be a problem?
A. Yes. Everything is run through Facebook for ease of use. If you’re not a fan of Facebook, my suggestion is to create a secret account that you use just for our group!
"Gala has been a tremendous help for me as I am navigating dating again after taking a time off. Our ongoing conversations about love and sex over the past 6 months have been enlivening, exciting and enlightening! She has positive insight, never falls into old tropes or stories about how dating sucks or men suck. But she is always seeing how to take the biggest and best step in any situation around love and sex and see it from a positive and empowering angle. She is open and vulnerable with her experience with marriage and partnership, which helps me so much! She also brings laughter and joy to every situation which when dating is VERY important. Excited for more!"
"Leave it to a Virgo to help you see the details about your personality structure you overlook. Gala's perception of my relationship with relationships has proven invaluable in both my understanding and practice of romance. With tremendously powerful emotional discipline, Gala cuts through all the bullshit and left me with nothing but the Truth about my communication blindspots and efficient strategies to overcome them. With a range of personal growth tools in the physical and metaphysical in her problem solving repertoire (like her fluency of the 5 Love Languages to her abilities with Tarot and Astrology) Gala can help you ethically understand the spiritual and psychological aspects of your relationships, what you can offer to the dynamic, and what is holding you back from your most meaningful relationship experience. Gala inspired a quantum shift in my listening to the body language and action of partner -- as opposed to only attaching my listening to their verbal communication -- and my newfound understanding has given me a comprehensive look into my relationships in ways I am endlessly grateful for."
"I can be counted on for two things: writing relationship advice, and failing in my own romantic pursuits. Luckily, Gala Darling has had my back through three failed relationships, and endured the monotony of a particularly loquacious dude dissecting every episode of his breakup. Her advice is always sage and promotes emotional health; she's patient and non judgmental in her approach, and I trust her words implicitly. You should too."