Mike Dooley Seminars!
Hello sweet people of Melbourne!
As some of you know, the amazing Mike Dooley (of Notes From The Universe fame) is coming to Australia & New Zealand in March! He’s going to be presenting seminars in Perth (March 8/9), Melbourne (March 11/12), Brisbane (March 13/14), Sydney (March 15/16) & Auckland (March 18/19). I am so excited about it & can’t WAIT to hear him talk!
I’ve been talking to a woman called Tracy who is helping organise the tour, & she told me that they require some people to work on the crew in Melbourne. As a member of the crew you would need to turn up a bit early to help register people, put out products & stuff like that. However, the trade-off is that you would get into the show for free! (How great is that?!)
If any of you are available & keen to do this, please check the details (to make sure you can get to the location!) & then email Tracy telling her which city you’re in & that you’d love to help!
On the other hand, if you want to book tickets, you can do so here! (Affiliate link.)
Merci beaucoup & I hope to see you there!