Love & Sequins #6 Is Live!

Hooray! Today I sealed my latest Love & Sequins chapter with a kiss & sent it off around the globe!
For those of you who don’t know, or are new (welcome!), Love & Sequins is my monthly podcast series. It’s a book which is all about becoming a love letter to the universe, & you get a chapter sent to your inbox every month! As well as the text (which is at least 10,000 words each time), you also get an MP3 of me reading it aloud to you!
Love & Sequins #6 is called DAINTIER, SMARTER, BETTER DRESSED — A deluxe guide to looking truly fabulous, defining your personal style & being the best-dressed girl at any party!
This is the biggest chapter so far — I actually found it really hard to stop myself writing! (I still have so much I want to say, & think Chapter 7 will be a continuation of this subject.) Love & Sequins #6 weighs in at a MAJOR 20,630 words! It is a veritable style & aesthetic bonanza, loaded with pictures & more ideas than you can shake a stick at. It is super-delicious & a feast for the brain!
Oh, & did I mention that the MP3 runs for an hour & a half?!
It is absolutely perfect for anyone going through a wardrobe crisis, wanting to wear more colour, in the throes of concocting a new style direction or just wanting to get to grips with their aesthetic! You’ll learn how to construct your very own style bible, where to find inspiration & what to do with it once you have it, the story of my personal aesthetic evolution & how to put looks together for maximum impact!
I also included (& made some little additions to, & recorded!) some articles from the iCiNG archive which are totally useful & relevant — but even without those, there are over 12,000 words of brand-spanking new original content!
So how does it work? You can pick up this chapter for $12, you can subscribe monthly for $10 (& will be sent all the back-issues) or you can snap them all up in one fell swoop for $84 (this brings the price down to $7 an issue). You buy them through Paypal, which means you don’t even need a credit card. Boom! You’re WELCOME!

Of course, before this chapter, there were five others! Here’s the low-down on each of them, with some reviews to let you know what you’re in for!

Love & Sequins #1: LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF — Self-adoration, manifesting your ideal persona, channelling your inner Marie Antoinette & everything in between!
“This podcast has been tremendously helpful. It has indeed resonated deeply in all of the tiny crevices of my being where I’ve been hiding my hopes and dreams and instead allowing myself to be swallowed by fear and doubt. I couldn’t agree more that we all know that self-confidence and self-love are the root of success, of living the positive inspired lives we all dream about. And yet, until now it escaped me that I could practice at being confident. That I could slowly develop these skills over time. I had a huge a-ha moment – of course it won’t happen overnight! Of course it’s about making small changes, adjusting my mindset and perceptions in the moment… Thank you for letting your own light shine as it has given me permission and inspiration to do the same. I’m deeply grateful.” — L.
“Dude. I’m just listening to your podcast now. Honestly, I was a little apprehensive because I’ve noticed your content on iCiNG has changed a little. This is the stuff. SIGH! RELIEF! CONGRATULATIONS. Don’t ever forget how much the ‘nonpareils’ have their hearts out there for you. Me included always always always. You’re just GOOD, you know? Substantial and full of perspective, dripping with sticky as honey vocabulary. Plus your voice is so badass.” — S.

Love & Sequins #2: THE SMART GIRL’S GUIDE TO BUSINESS — Taking control of your life, finding your passion, loving what you do & making mad bling!
“Thank you so much for your inspiration. it really gave me the kick up the bum that I needed. I was always afraid to take a creative income path, for fear that my talent was lacking. I still have these insecurities, but I realise that right now, while I’m young, enthusiastic and motivated is the very best time to give it a shot. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll try something different. if it is a success, then maybe it will give me the confidence to try some other more innovative ideas.” — V.
“I am writing to you in regard to a project that I started as a result of your lovely site. I guess you could call me one of your inspired non-pareils. Wikifashion began as an idea around one year ago and I never really had the “chutzpah” to give it a go until I purchased your podcast on “being your own boss”. I fell asleep listening to that podcast every night for a week, taking it all in and furiously scribbling down notes. It was so groundbreaking for me and every word that you spoke really resonated with me. Thank you for inspiration and words of wisdom.” — M.

Love & Sequins #3: LOVE, SEX, THE GALAXY & EVERYTHING — From falling in love to co-habitation, & all the beauty & madness contained within!
“Gala, I loved this one! I listened to it as soon as you sent it. I’ve always been kind of a cynic when it comes to love, but I think I’m ready to let my guard down and take the plunge. The ‘love self-evaluation’ and ‘figuring out what you want from a partner’ parts stood out the most to me, and I’m definitely going to take the time to write and reflect on these areas. Thank you so much!” — D.
“This was supermegaawesome good! I like the way it flows and sounds natural… Like you’re whispering good advice in my ear! And also I was walking my dog while listening to this and 3 or 4 times I just burst out laughing at some of the things you said; a lot of strange looks! Please keep this up, they’re all super good and I really do owe a lot to you!” — V.

Love & Sequins #4: A GUIDE TO MANNERS FOR THE MODERN MINX — Etiquette, social graces & charming the pants off total strangers for the uninitiated!
“i just listened to this & it’s SO helpful, you have no idea. thank you, thank you, thank you! i’ve always been pretty socially awkward & it’s only gotten worse the past year or two & i’ve really been wanting to change that, but never knew where/how to start… i’m sure i’ll listen to it many more times :] & absolutely do the homework.” — M.
“Gala, you have truly hit the spot once more! I sat there nodding to myself, smiling with recognition, laughing out loud and thinking WOW this girl inspires me to change the world too as I listened to the 4th Love&Sequins. Thank you so much wonderful!” — A.

Love & Sequins #5: FINDING HAPPINESS & MAKING IT STAY — Choosing joy, making magic & devoting your life to love, adventure & deliciousness!
“Thank you Gala for this one. It is your best yet and came at a perfect moment as the universe so decided. Starting today I will be happier, stronger person, set my goals and achieve them. I will be happy because I can be and I am going to take responsibility for myself and my emotions and not blame it on anyone else. Thank you a million…think you gave me the push I needed to achieve my goal and be happy in the mean time. Thanks again! Stay magical stay wonderful stay powerful and never stop moving forward!!” — S.
“I can honestly say this is the best $12 you will ever spend. I’ve been seeing a psychologist for the past 6 months… What Gala has produced is that 6 months of therapy all wrapped up into an hour long podcast. Her advice about choosing how you react to situations is the most helpful life advice you may ever receive.” — K.

As always my beautiful, thank you so much for your support & encouragement!