February Is Almost Over (!!!) — Don’t Miss Your Chance For Half-Off Love & Sequins & Radical Self Love Bootcamp!

I don’t mean to freak you out, but it’s almost March… ! Mostly, this is good news, as we march on towards spring & summer — BRING IT! — but it also means there are only a few days left of my Love & Sequins & Radical Self Love Bootcamp sale!
If you missed it, both my Love & Sequins book & Radical Self Love Bootcamp course have been half-price for the entirety of February! Individual chapters of Love & Sequins are $6 instead of $12, & all twelve chapters are $42, not $84! Radical Self Love Bootcamp has been knocked down to $50 from $100, a pretty massive saving! I’ve had hundreds of people take me up on this offer, & I wouldn’t want you to miss your chance!
In the interim, here are some really lovely things people have said recently about both Love & Sequins & Radical Self Love Bootcamp…
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this journey you have created, to help me learn how to apply these great tools to love myself FINALLY!!!!! You are a brilliant fluorescent angel of love. Keep up the revolution!” — Alyssa
“When the workbook launched, my husband and I were on our first cycle of trying to become baby-parents. As you know, EFT was on day 4 and I had been using it daily with one of my focuses being allowing my body to bring a baby into my world. Well, 5 days later (to my shock) we found out we were indeed on the path to be baby-parents. It took my mother 5 years to get pregnant with both children, so I was expecting the same. I truly believe it was learning how to re-love myself and help eliminate unwanted negativity and stress in my life that led us to being in month 4 of our baby journey.” — Alison
“I ended up downloading Love and Sequins (the whole bloody thing..) and it has honestly changed my way of thinking sooo much! Most of what you have said I already knew or had heard, but it seemed to sink in finally having listened to you. Oh, you’re accent is freakin’ amazing too! I drew on my arm “WWGD?’ (what would Gala do?), and it has really helped. I’ve been stressing a lot lately, and I take it all out on myself, like I say bad things and think bad thoughts about myself. It has really been getting me down, and I must say, listening to Love and Sequins while at work and during my evening lemon myrtle tea, it has really made me mindful of myself and how I treat not only myself, but those around me.” — Bianka
“I do love the book, and I think you have a lot of great advice in it! You have a wonderful energy and I love the joy that you bring to what you do. I feel like it is helping me move forward on my own journey. You are a real inspiration, and so thank you.” — Katheryn
“Love & Sequins has changed the way I think. It’s given me permission to dress fabulously, given practical and FUN advice on manifesting the things i desire and made ‘radical self love’ the foundation of my being. This has changed my life!” — Tiffany
Gala is a role model in every sense of the word. Her message of ‘radical self love’ is hugely inspiring and useful, taking you to places inside yourself that you never knew you had, that and her upbeat always positive look at life creates a persona that you want to read more about, listen to and watch. I have purchased many of her products including her book “Love & Sequins” and attended her U-stream sessions, these products have led me to lead a greater more inspired life, providing me with useful knowledge and wisdom along the way.” — Timothy
“For me, the best part of RSL Bootcamp was the encouragement (through activities, homework, and the forum) to write about my hopes, dreams, and fears in a journal. This really helped me to stop bottling up the thoughts that were stressing me out, and to tackle them on paper instead. I found I got the most out of the bootcamp when I followed through with the activities, wrote my gratitude lists, and wrote in my journal daily. RSL Bootcamp is definitely not going to solve your problems if you’re clinically depressed or suffering from serious mental illness. However, if you’ve bought RSL Bootcamp and are in this situation, Gala and the users on the forum really encourage you to get professional help in addition to completing the bootcamp. The women on the forum are wonderful, kind, and helpful people. They are from all different types of backgrounds, all different ages, and each has something brilliant to bring to the table. Meeting and chatting with a number of these women has been a great experience.” — Meaghan
“I bought most of Love & Sequins last November and absolutely tore through it. Due to a traumatic event in late college, I’ve struggled with self love and rebuilding the person I was before for the past 5 years. After reading through Love & Sequins several times, I decided to take the big plunge and do the Bootcamp. I had made some strides in therapy, but the Bootcamp really helped give me concrete things to do on a daily basis. I’ve slowly started to put myself first, listen to my intuition, & blossom into a better version of who I was before. As you say, it’s not an overnight transformation. It’s a lifelong commitment to caring for the person who matters most, ME! I think I’ve improved leaps and bounds in the past 3 months. I can only imagine how much better things will get. Thank you for your commitment to radical self love and your willingness to share it with those of us who need it most.” — Emily
“I also want to express my gratitude for your site. You have inspired me to enjoy dressing up. Last year I bought your Love and Sequins guide on dressing well and with my P.A I burned all the clothes I almost died in. I couldn’t recycle them, they were soaked in fear. It was so liberating to throw them away and explore hats, dresses and gorgeous gloves. Because I am beautiful, because I am a woman and the wheelchair makes no difference (despite what many people seem to think), because I have recovered from anorexia and love my body. Because dressing up is celebrating and we need to celebrate being alive, life is after all, a rather super-special occasion.” — Grace
“I bought Love & Sequins before Christmas and instantly fell in love. I fell in love so much that I made two of my wondrous friends an L&S book tailored to them for the holiday! They love it too, btw. I feel fabulous, savvy, and totally worthy of everything I want every time I read or listen to an L&S chapter. My favorite thing to do the past 2 months in my travels has been to listen to a chapter on each of my short flights. Perfect way to spend the time!” — Sarai
Have a beautiful day,