Celebrate Radical Self Love All Year Long!

It’s New Year’s Eve here in New York City, and the energy is palpable. From borough to borough, people are getting excited and exhilarated for 2014. The whole city is ready to sip champagne and get sprinkled with confetti!
Every day of our lives, we’re given choices about how we want to live, how we want to feel, how we want to behave. But the start of a new year feels symbolic and important. As we sail forth into 2014, we feel more optimistic, more positive, more enthusiastic about the next 365 days.
I’m a big fan of the “crowding out” method. Essentially, you fill your life — and your mind — with so many good things that the “bad” stuff doesn’t have enough space to grab hold of you. When you apply crowding out to your nutrition, you eat your vegetables first (that way, there’s less room for delicious but admittedly unhealthy fried chicken). In your daily life, you can crowd out your toxic friends with positive, encouraging people; you can crowd out reality television with a wonderful library card obsession; you can crowd out sleeping in with a morning meditation practice.
It makes sense, right? Once you make room for the positive in your life, and you prioritise those things, the sucky stuff falls by the wayside. You simply don’t have time for them anymore.
Which brings me to my next point…

When I created Radical Self Love Letters a few months ago, I had no idea what would become of it. The idea was simple. 30 days of loving emails, to remind you to be good to yourself.
My thinking went like this: when you start your day on an uplifting note, you crowd out anxiety and stress. And when you do it regularly, you begin to make that positivity a daily practice.
From the original post:
What are Radical Self Love Letters?One of the most challenging things about learning to fall in love with yourself is the fact that it is a daily practice, and it requires daily work. But our lives are all so busy and densely-packed that making time to engage in a little self-care quickly slips to the bottom of the priority list.
With Radical Self Love Letters, you’ll be getting a personalised email love note every day. A reminder to live more boldly, be more exceptional, take more risks, be more compassionate, and cherish yourself.
Each letter contains my personal reflections, concepts to think about, a prompt or action to explore, and some wise words to keep your heart light.
Maybe you’ll read your Radical Self Love Letter in the morning, while you drink a cup of tea or chew your toast. Perhaps you’ll let it soak in as you travel to work, on the bus or train or in the back of a taxi. And maybe you’ll read your letter just before you drift to sleep. Either way, it will become a part of your routine; a way of carving out some time to focus on taking care of yourself.
Allow me to show you it’s possible to believe what you want, and do what you please!
Hundreds of babes rushed to sign up, and at the end of the month, I asked for feedback. Had it made their days happier? Had it inspired them to go deeper, choose their thoughts more carefully, transformed them in any way?
In a word: Yes. Yes, it had.
I also asked them, “How could I have made Radical Self Love Letters better?”
The overwhelming response went something like this…
“Thank you for your lovely emails that helped me to start my mornings with more hope and sprinkles of inspiration! I wish it was for 365 days of a year!” (Justina)
“You asked us what we would change about RSLL. How about RSLL 365 days a year?” (Alysa)
…And who would I be to deny my babes?!

I’m so delighted to announce the 365 Edition of Radical Self Love Letters. Which means… YES! You’ll receive a Radical Self Love Letter EVERY DAY of 2014! How great is that?!
The system is simple: Radical Self Love Letters is a subscription service, with a recurring payment of $20/month. Your credit card or Paypal account will automatically be billed every month. Easy-peasy! (And you can cancel anytime if you’ve had your fill!)
Are you in?!
Click the heart to get started!
“Thank you SO much for the past 31 days!
Opening my inbox and seeing a love letter in there has given me a little flutter of excitement every day. I’ve woken up in the morning, looking forward to finding out what Gala has in store for me today.
It’s been eye-opening to say the least, and I honestly feel that I’ve become happier and healthier over the past 31 days. For nothing more than just having more reason to smile, more reason to appreciate myself and the beautiful world around me, and more reason to look forward to the future.
Thank YOU! Thank you for being my radical love letter, not just for the past month but for the past few years xoxoxoxoxo” (Christie)
“These last 31 days, I had one thing to look forward to every day, a letter from you! Everyday it reminded me of who I am, who I am becoming, & who I want to be. I was encouraged and supported, although I didn’t always follow through with the challenges. I know every day I am working on me, that everyday is a day that I can take time and give myself a break.
I must say I am sad that I won’t be receiving these emails anymore. This was the best money I’ve ever spent. You are amazing!” (Taylor)
“Just wanted to write to you and say thank you for 31 days of love in my inbox. I am really missing reading your daily emails and I really hope you will do another email series at some stage.” (Kerry)
“For the last 31 days I have woken up excited to get your next letter, counting down the hours until I hear my inbox beep. … Your letters have been the best friend I have needed this past month, giving me that bit of advice, guidance, inspiration and guidance to get me through each day. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing. You have taught me so much and your letters are helping me find myself again and learning to truly love myself again because I am fabulous! I only wish these letters didn’t have to stop today!” (Angela)
“Best. Love Letter. EVAR! I really, really, really needed this today. Are you psychic?! Thank you so much for your amazing wisdom, Gala. You truly are magical.” (Amanda)

Got questions? I’ve got answers!
Q. Yay! I signed up. When will I receive my first Love Letter?
A. Hooray! After you click on your confirmation email (which will be sent to you immediately), you’ll get an introduction. Your first Radical Self Love Letter will fly into your inbox in 24 hours!
Q. Hmmm… I signed up, but I never got anything in my inbox. What do I do?
A. Your subscription is linked to your Paypal email address, and that’s where all the emails will be sent. If you want your Love Letters sent somewhere else, forward me your Paypal receipt and let me know where you’d prefer the emails to go.
Next up, check your spam or trash folders for your confirmation email! You will need to click on this confirmation email to activate your subscription.
Additionally, if you have paid by e-cheque, your subscription won’t begin until the e-cheque clears. (It usually takes between 3 and 5 days.)
Q. What time will I get my Radical Self Love Letters?
A. They’ll come through every day at the same time that you clicked on your confirmation email. If you want your letters at a certain time — morning, afternoon, evening — activate your subscription at that time!
Q. I already did a month of Radical Self Love Letters… If I sign up for a year, will the content be the same?
A. Nope! The yearly subscription is brand spankin’ new content. Nice!
Q. Can I buy this as a gift for someone else?
A. Absolutely! (And aren’t you sweet?!) Just sign up as normal, then forward me your Paypal receipt and let me know their name and email address. I’ll hook it up!
If you have any other questions, be sure to hit me up on Twitter!
I can’t wait to get stuck into 2014 with a whole lot of radical self love. And hey… Have a FANTASTIC New Year’s Eve! Kiss someone wonderful, and fall asleep with confetti in your hair.
Eternal love,
Photos by Chellise Michael.