Carousel: Moving On From May…
Happy Friday, y’all! I hope May has treated you well, and if not, don’t worry: on Sunday, it’ll be June! Below, you’ll find an assortment of weird, wacky and intriguing links, ranging from minimalism to shopping addiction, pop culture dealbreakers to karmic closet clear-outs. There’s definitely plenty to keep you busy!
The top 10 tips learned from minimalists. Okay, I am not a minimalist (and neither is Mike), but that doesn’t mean we can’t incorporate some of these ideas into our daily lives…
Are you stuffed on Frito lies? If you’ve ever struggled with addiction relating to shopping, eating, stealing, drinking, restricting… Then you should read this. See also: shopping is not your guru.
Kat and I laughed and laughed when we saw this. What headlines should actually say. “Woman had skin all along!”
When did feminism become the F word?
This is so good! What are your pop culture dealbreakers?
Who has the best vocabulary in hip-hop?
Some things just baffle the mind. I do not know how La Perla thought this was okay?!
Photo Real: On Photoshop, Feminism, And Truth by Molly Crabapple. It’s probably not what you expect.
This is so rad: my BFF Helen has been sober for 8 years and wrote about surviving sobriety (and not being a dick about it).
Apple won’t sell an app which encourages female masturbation. Boo! The good news is, creator Tina Gong is turning it into a web-based game, instead. You can follow their updates at, and I love their poster. You should put one in your house!
Also: The Most Important Thing Teen Girls Should Do But Don’t: Masturbate.
Someone made graphs of how often various drugs are mentioned in hip-hop through the ages. No big surprise: name-checking of pharmaceutical drugs is more popular than ever.
Here’s how to interact with introverts.
I loved this conversation on sex, feminism, and the internet: Girl Wonderland!
How A French Girl In A Fur Coat With A Gun To Her Head Broke My Heart. This is a great piece!
Fascinating before and after photos from New York City’s Meatpacking District.
Fact: New York has way too many fro-yo places.
Danielle LaPorte is right when she says our lives are relationships.
Our whole lives are relationships. So reach out and keep going in. If you have to choose between flying overseas to see your friends and painting the house this summer — choose your friends. Remember the day. Go to the wedding. Read them the poem. Check in. Forget the deadline and working over time to please people who will never make you feel as good as your real friends. Remember — and do something about it.
Here’s how to date yourself (and P.S., summer is the perfect time for a one-person romance!).
What are the energetic placeholders blocking your fashion chakra and stopping your dream designer pieces from finding their way into your closet?
Here are the only three things you really need to do today.
What does it mean to be seen?
I might have linked to this before, but I don’t care, it’s worth linking to twice. Coming Out as a Modern Family.
My feelings about attachment and partnership have always been that they are fluid and evolving. Jack’s father, Dan, will always be my partner because we share Jack. Dan is the best father and the most wonderful man I’ve known. Just because our relationship is nonsexual doesn’t make him any less of a partner. We share the same core values, including putting our son first. My more recent ex, Bryn, remains my partner because we share our activism. And Clare will always be my partner because she is also my best friend.
More #GIRLBOSS press: Be Bossy: Sophia Amoruso Has Advice For Millennials and a Bone to Pick With Sheryl Sandberg.
Here’s Why It’s So Hard for Men to See Misogyny. Ugh, that thing of smiling and placating an aggressive man is all too familiar to me.
Elevate your brand, serve the world! Click here to access Gabby’s free 90-minute training and get the details for the Spirit Junkie Masterclass coming up in September.
I love these gifs on how to survive NYC.
Whoah. WHOAH! Beware, this is NOT safe for work or school: Critique My Dick Pic. Here’s an interview with the “reviewer”.
‘Selling Out’ Is Meaningless, because teens live in the commercial world we created.
It makes me grouchy when adults gripe about teens’ practice without taking into account all of the ways in which we’ve forced them into the corners that they’re trying to navigate. There’s good reason to be critical of how commercialized American society has become, but I don’t think that we should place the blame on the backs of teenagers who are just trying to find their way. If we don’t like what we see when we watch teenagers, it’s time to look in the mirror. We’ve created this commercially oriented society. Teens are just trying to figure out how to live in it.
Yes, I unfriended you. Don’t take it personally.
In the 80s, artist Agnes Denes planted a 4 acre wheatfield in lower Manhattan. Surreal and awesome.
Dreaming — and sleeping — is different from culture to culture.
You should stop taking pictures on your phone, and learn to draw, apparently.
Are You Checking Work Email in Bed? At the Dinner Table? On Vacation? Dear everyone, read this.
Here’s why getting fired can be the best thing ever.
Comfort can be a drug. Getting off it can be a nauseating, hideous experience. But when your vision clears, there can be a moment of “What now?” and that moment is the prize for what you’ve just endured.
17 lies we need to stop teaching girls about sex. Boom!
Totally brilliant, and worth the read: The Crossroads of Should and Must. If you need motivation to start living your DREAM already, this will help.
Angelina Jolie has the the best publicity game in Hollywood, and all without a publicist. Here’s how she does it. (Genius.)
Learn how to memorise all of the tarot cards and their meanings in two hours!
This is fantastic: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos.
Here are some ideas for staying sane on the internet. Don’t start and end your day by looking at what other people are doing is a biggie!
What sun sign is your ghost?
…And finally, you should definitely be following rappers with puppies.
Enjoy your weekend!
Illustration by Malika Favre.