Morocco, Crêpes, And Mini-Gratitude: An Obsessive Mish-Mash
This post is very miscellaneous, because let’s be real, getting back into the swing of things after an incredible whirlwind trip can be tricky (to say the least). Thankfully, I seem to have my jet-lag licked, but when you’re used to writing every day — and you take a couple of weeks off — your brain feels thoroughly unprepared when it’s time to get back into it!
Here are five things that are occupying my mind right now…
You may have already gotten this impression from my Instagram, but I fell 100% head over heels slippers in love with Marrakech! It is so sublimely beautiful, so alive, so colourful! We only had two days there which was like torture — there are endless things to do and see there — and I am already plotting my return. (First rule of travelling to Marrakech: take a second suitcase!)
I kept a pretty extensive travel diary, and we also filmed tons of footage which I am now in the process of assembling together, so stay tuned for that!
I don’t think I can ever come close to expressing the infinite joy and overwhelming happiness I feel when I see you beautiful kids Instagramming photos of the book as it arrives, sharing photos of your #radicalselflovedates, and sending me adorable tweets. I love you guys! SO MUCH! Thank you for making this whole project a delight. It is way more amazing than I could have ever imagined.
By the way, if you’re in New York, I’m doing a free book reading and event at Word in Brooklyn on Thursday night! I’m going to wear a really crazy dress. It’ll be awesome. Come out, okay? It would be a pleasure to give you a hug and say thank you!
A couple of days after I got back to New York, Shauna and I were introduced to Le District by our friend Bianca, and it’s my new favourite place. Le District is a French version of Eataly, situated in Tribeca. As well as being adorable, the food is next level. I devoured a mini sandwich with comté and fig jam (YUM) as well as a crêpe filled with honey, butter, and whipped cream. The crêpe essentially exploded and I got whipped cream everywhere — thankfully I was wearing a metallic blue leather skirt so it wiped off easily (thanks, Shauna!) — and had to crouch over a trashcan to finish it off. As we were leaving, a security guard looked at me and said, “Wow, you really made a mess there! Go and wash your hands!” Blush. I did as he said, and when we walked out, I said, “Thanks, dad!”
Long story short: if you’re in NYC, you need to go to Le District. It is awesome.
Don’t forget, I’m coming to Lincoln, Nebraska next week! Woohoo! It’ll be my first time in Nebraska and I’m excited to see what it has in store. I’m speaking at Rise Lincoln on July 9th, and holding a Radical Self Love Salon on the evening of July 11th. (I only have a few tickets left for that one!) All the details are here. I’m packing my travel cauldron: let’s do this!
There is always, always, always something to be grateful for, and gratitude works for everyone, no matter what is going on in your life. It makes everyone’s life better. You could be happy or nervous, relaxed or dealing with anxiety on a daily basis. It doesn’t really matter, because I promise you, beauty is everywhere. It surrounds you absolutely. Next time you feel uneasy and uncomfortable, take a breath and choose to focus on the good things in your life.
Here’s my little list for the day. I hope it inspires you to write your own!
Rainbow planner pages and a box of my favourite black ink pens This coconut spray which smells wonderful and gives my hair lots of body!
Making birthday plans (DisneyWorld, anyone?)
Jonathan Adler bedding
Fake tan and hot pink nails (best combination)
Having conversations in coffee-shops
Fantastic lingerie on sale (L’Agent’s sale is no joke, check it out!)
Orange Is The New Black
Marriage equality for everyone! HELL to the yes!
Finding rogue sequins everywhere (a hazard of being me, I suppose)
Richard Brautigan’s poetry
Elderflower anything
Walking tremendous distances in beautiful weather
Sunday Riley skincare (it’s amazing)
Black pepper popcorn
This playlist
Watching 50 Shades Of Grey on the plane with Shauna and rolling our eyes for two hours straight, hahaha!
Okay, that’s all from me — I’m about to have a work date with the one and only Veronica Varlow! (We’ll see how much actual work we manage to accomplish…)
I love you,
Photo by David McNeil.