iCiNG’s Definition Of Chic

Yesterday, Kristen suggested that we all — as a community! — compile a list of what we think is chic. In her words, a “positive, fun, happy” list. I think it’s a brilliant idea, so here it is!

What makes somebody ‘chic’? We all have different ideas. It is too easy to rattle off a list of things which aren’t stylish & it doesn’t help anyone — so what about a person makes you sit up & take notice? What about a person makes you aspire to be like them?

My idea of a chic person is basically how I imagine the best people to be. I certainly don’t fit all these criteria, but I’m working on it. Here are my ideas. Please feel free to write as much as you like in the comments!

I think a chic person…

Has exemplary manners (or at least makes the effort)

Has enough clothing to feel properly attired at a business meeting, a club or a wedding

Is passionate about something — art, business, communication, philosophy etc.

Respects his- or herself & other people

Doesn’t betray confidence, aka can keep things private

Has excellent posture

Practises what my friend Kaia calls “right speech” — meaning, does their best to only say things which are constructive, helpful &/or positive

Looks after their nails (only since I stopped biting mine have I realised what a difference it makes it one’s presentation)

Can charm the pants off anyone, from other people’s parents to grumpy shop-keepers

Travels across the city for what she thinks are the best croissants, coffee or olives

Reads the Sunday newspapers

Is organised (stylishly, of course)

Only spends her time with people who make her feel good

Takes responsibility for himself

Glides instead of walking (it is an elegant way of moving, lithe, a sleek creature rather than a galumphing human)

Can cook, eats well & drinks a lot of water

Takes care of their possessions (shines their shoes, cleans their bathroom, hand-washes any delicate clothing, etc.)

Has distinct personal style, from clothing to hairstyle to handwriting

Lives life to full capacity every day

Has things that are what I call “signature” — personal elements that define them, which are distinctly individual. This can range from a way of walking to a tone of voice to a love for anything vintage