Hello, I’m Gala

I know that you are so much more powerful, beautiful, and capable than you could possibly imagine. I know it because many years ago, I demolished my feelings of smallness and insecurity. If I can do it, you can too! My mission is to show women how magnificent they are, and to inspire them to step up and grab the life they’ve dreamed about with both hands. I want everyone to rebel and start their own personal revolution! Let me show you how…

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On Manifesting: It’s Not That You Don’t Want It Enough. It’s That Your Habits Suck!

05.12.2021 · Uncategorized

When it comes to manifesting… It’s not that you don’t want it enough. It’s that your habits suck. Because remember: manifesting is CO-CREATING with the universe. Which means… You still have to do the work on the material plane! One of the reasons why we don’t get the things we want is that we don’t […]



Start your adventure today!

Through a combination of techniques, I was able to break free from my self-imposed prison, and create a life more colourful and beautiful than my wildest dreams. If I can do it, you can too! That’s why I wrote Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams. I want to hold up a mirror so that you can see just how magnificent you are. Inside the pages of this book, you’ll rediscover the glorious babe you are.

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Kick off your self-love revolution!

Join my money manifesting membership, Cash Money Honey! Learn how to tap with High Vibe Honey! Join us in the best secret society: The Vortex! Pick up a copy of Radical Self-Love and begin your journey! And so much more…

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