Carousel: Week Ending 13th November 2009

Yay, Friday the 13th! Go spooky go go! Here are some things to keep your eyeballs busy this weekend.
Win 1 of 3 copies of Zoe Foster’s Textbook Romance with Frock & Roll! Corrine says…
Zoe has just released her second novel here, Textbook Romance, and it’s an absolute gem. It’s one of the best books that I’ve ever read, because in addition to offering fabulous, no-nonsense relationship advice for any girl on the hunt for true love, it provides delicious tidbits on how to be the best version of yourself possible, and insight on how not to lose your sense of self once you actually FIND a magnificent partner to create something special with!
Mmmmm, hibernating beds from Apartment Therapy.
This is what Rachel Zoe’s home looks like. She also answered some questions about her approach to interior design.
Animals Twice Dead is a gallery of taxidermied animals being installed in museums, galleries et al. It’s very intriguing & particularly eerie.
Porn star Sasha Grey was on Tyra Banks a little while ago. You can read about it here, but it isn’t safe for work. Well… most workplaces.
Jimmy Choo is holding a competition to support the launch of Project PEP, a charity which donates 25% of its sales to the Simelela Rape Centre in South Africa. The money goes towards providing the HIV-preventative treatment PEP (which must be taken within 72 hours of exposure to HIV) & counselling to rape victims. So how can you support them? Just take a great photograph! In return they’re giving away the ultimate Jimmy Choo VIP experience. You’ll win a day of luxury at Jimmy Choo HQ, as well as being able to choose 7 pairs of shoes & 2 handbags to keep forever! Amaze. Even if you don’t win the grand prize, over 100 other Jimmy Choo prizes will be awarded. Enter at Jimmy Choo 72 & have a look at some of the top-rated photos, they are GREAT.
McSweeney’s Recommends. Yes’m.
Who knew reviews for the Bic ballpoint pen could be so heated?
You’d think, with all of the new anti-obscenity laws, that this pen would have a V-chip installed. It DOESN’T!!!!! You should see some of the filthy words and drawings that my children were able to write with this product. I am going to file a formal complaint with the FCC. Buyer (with young children) Beware!!!!
Sassisam (who I
!) interviewed Sarah Wilson, who I also
, since she is the woman who introduced me to so many of you! She gave me my first real writing job off the strength of iCiNG, as a fashion columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine. Anyway, the interview is great, I am so excited to hear about Sarah’s new show & it was great to get a broader sense of who she is.
Living Opals was started by nonpareil Seren & it is seriously RAD.
Bjork, Plutonian. I love her.
“I have to re-create the universe every morning when I wake up. & kill it in the evening, which is a bit outrageous, but there you go.”
Participate in The Bad Words Experiment!
Comparison of vampire traits on Wikipedia. Wow. Um…
Rappers That Suck. Oh, it’s mean, but it’s funny.
1000 Awesome Things: #844 Celebrities on Sesame Street. The ultimate countdown.
I know that everyone is linking to The Photodiarist at the moment, but it’s for a reason! Click click clicketty click.
Twitter stalkings! HA! I love them. Too bad you can’t get your Twitter username printed on the other leg, though… Thanks, @queen_evie!
Kate Moss’ motto is “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. Really? Really. Ugh.
The 1987 Dance Aerobics Championship looks like it was a good time. Look how high they can kick! Hahah, amazing! @Eliza, we love you!
Faux-Rachel Zoe’s Recession Fashion Tips are the bessssssssst. Also I need that t-shirt. I found this via @nmoore6. It is so genius.
What does Twitter say about you? Some of my favourite tags for @galadarling are coven, peopleiwanttopartywith, stalking & uh, porno!
I think I know what I’m getting Nubby for Christmas…
Learning Something Every Day! So cool. My favourite one is about Crayola.
It is Dark Moon in Libra right now. Read about it on Mystic Medusa & also see Shopping On The Dark Moon! While you’re at it, you should subscribe to her Daily Mystic service. It is always the first email I read in the mornings & it makes me smile.
Print Society is the BEST way to find affordable, rad art.
On that subject, the Keep Calm gallery sells prints too. Some of them are painfully twee but some are excellent.
Oh my god, this is so cool.
…& here is some wisdom.
“There are different species of laziness: Eastern & Western. The Eastern style is like the one practised in India. It consists of hanging out all day in the sun, doing nothing, avoiding any kind of work or useful activity, drinking cups of tea, listening to Hindi film music blaring on the radio, & gossiping with friends. Western laziness is quite different. It consists of cramming our lives with compulsive activity, so there is no time at all to confront the real issues. This form of laziness lies in our failure to choose worthwhile applications for our energy.” — Sogyal Rinpiche
P.S. A lot of these links came from swissmiss, which is like a repository of wonderful. Go there.
P.P.S. If you’re in New York & want to do a good thing, click.