Carousel: Week Ending 23rd July 2010

Tell your girl to hook link it up!(If she got a friend, homie, tell your girl to hook it up!)
Here’s my pick of the week’s best content. Enjoy some internet nomadism & have a wander!
These American Thighs is totally great.
1. Eat when you are hungry.
2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment.
3. Eat without distractions.
4. Eat what your body wants.
5. Eat until you’re satisfied.
6. Eat in full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment.
10 reasons to stop apologising for your online life from the Harvard Business Review.
The illusion of transparency — people can’t see through you as much as you think they can!
From Wikipedia: History of erotic depictions. My friend emailed me this link, adding, “don’t say i sent it to you!!” Okay, buddy. Your secret is safe for now!
Ever wonder about the history of underwear? Your burning questions, answered!
Sunday Life: In which deep talking has a comeback from (who else?) Sarah Wilson.
Zen Habits still delivers: 20 strategies to defeat the urge to do useless tasks. Wonderful!
Darren Rowse is the man behind Problogger — he knows a thing or two about writing! Here are his top tips for writers!
Ephemeral New York is pretty fascinating!
I love these big city silhouettes!
Oh, Seth Godin. I love you! Is everything perfect? Self-marketing might be the most important kind.
How to motivate the male morale: the persuasive power of the pinup. The Selvedge Yard has the best content, & who could say no to a collection of original pinups?
Healing hands. Could you be a sex surrogate? I know I couldn’t, but I think it’s really important work.
How Manhattan nightlife has become synonymous with its hotels from New York magazine.
“So” — what a tiny word reveals about the scientific endeavor & those who practice it.
Midori wants to know what your orgasm feels like. Sounds like a good writing exercise, doesn’t it?!
Fashematics is HILARIOUS!
How Lori Deschene of Tiny Buddha Found Her “Aha” Moment.
Victoria’s Secret is having a Polyvore competition! I love it!
Sir Richard Branson’s thoughts on conjuring up the ‘people factor’. (I adore Richard.)
Sarah wrote stuff I’m not paid to endorse: transcendental meditation & she just about sold me. Now to find a teacher in New York City…
Gratitude: The grass is green where you water it. Lovely.
Gratitude is doubled by appreciation, tripled by wonder & quadrupled by possibility.
So cool (if you have the time to play with it): Pilot Handwriting will make a font from your handwriting!
The Perrier Mansion is like a choose your own adventure movie… starring Dita Von Teese. Yeah, it’s pretty rad!
Golubka is a food blog so impeccably presented that it ALMOST makes me want to learn how to cook!
When Words Attack Bloggers. This is a great piece by Birdie about how women hate on other women, especially online.
What BP could have bought with all the money they’ve lost. Yep.
If you’re in Melbourne, go to Schocolate for me!
This wedding BRINGS THE PINK!
Want to watch random 80s music videos? Me too!
India’s Myth of Fair-Skinned Beauty from the Guardian.
Flipboard for the iPad looks pretty rad! Not that I want an iPad!
Let’s ALL go to the Grease singalong!
On the subject of travel, which is all I’ve been thinking about this week, have a look at this round-up of Ten Strange Places! If that doesn’t get your feet itching, I don’t know WHAT will!
Strange Places People Live is AMAZING too!
Have a MAGNIFICENT weekend & remember to take advantage of the Love & Sequins half price sale!