Dream Girls Wear Dream Outfits

Mars had a tattoo of her ex-boyfriend’s name on her forearm, just below her elbow. When people asked her why she didn’t get it covered up, she said she liked having it as a reminder never to date someone so ridiculous again. She loved listening to Lou Reed as she walked to work & trying to think up colours that had never been seen before.

Rita was so little she had to sit on a stack of foreign fashion magazines so she could see over the steering wheel, but always drove carefully. She dreamed of being Kanye West’s assistant & of interviewing Karl Lagerfeld. She loved boys who wore bow-ties, mixing high- & low-end fashion, & waffles from the toaster.

Kate was a Virgo, through & through, but she kept her astrology obsession to herself. During the day she worked in a public relations firm, making loud phone-calls as she walked down the street at a brisk pace & keeping meticulous to-do lists. But when she went home, she liked nothing better than an hour of yoga, an organic meal & plotting her week based on what her online horoscope told her.

Jamie liked noisy accessories. Necklaces which clinked together, bracelets which jangled, belts which chimed against one another. It made her feel like she had her very own percussion section. Her favourite thing to do was sit on the floor surrounded by magazines, scissors, glue & blank paper, & make things. Zines. Love letters. Collages. She thought that anything that might give her a nasty paper-cut was worth doing.

Thoroughly Modern Millie Minnie. Rather than suffering through her parents’ naming choices, Minnie decided to embrace & embody it. She always wore ears to class & was deeply in love with her new fingerless Louis Vuitton gloves. She liked to sit in her chair & look pensive, even though secretly she wasn’t thinking about anything: just listening to the wind in the trees.