Geek Chic
Now so ubiquitous that there is a Wikipedia entry for it, Geek Chic is currently one of the most popular looks around. It’s showing up on catwalks across the world, & even closer to home — the ‘geek chic’ prom outfit I put together was by far the one that resonated with people most!
If you want to give geek chic a go yourself, there are a few elements that can be incorporated.
You can’t do geek chic if you’re not wearing a pair of glasses! I’m sorry, but it’s true. You don’t actually need to be short- or long-sighted however, which is good news. If you’re wondering where to get glasses, it’s actually pretty easy. All glasses in optometry shops come with plain glass lenses — sometimes all you need to do is peel off a sticker. You can find amazing glasses in vintage & op shops, & of course there are bargains galore to be found online. 39 Dollar Glasses is a favourite of many.
Allusions to geeky interests
This is where you get to be a bit sneaky. It’s easy to wear a t-shirt that says ‘Nintendo’, but it’s much cooler to wear something that only die-hard fans will recognise. Get creative, make your own accessories — that’s where those NES controller belt buckles came from originally, some dude in his bedroom! What do you love that’s geeky? Calculators? Knitting? Tea parties with your Grandma? How about wearing a blinged-up calculator, or making a brooch out of doll-sized knitting needles? Having said that, sometimes geeky t-shirts are really awesome — Viva la Relativity! from ThinkGeek is too cool not to buy.
Reappropriated slightly naff items
Start reclaiming things that you used to get shoved in your locker for wearing! This can be difficult, but thankfully the fashion industry is on this in a big way, giving us all a helping hand. Big bobbly cardigans, Oxfords, wool stockings & blazers are all back with a vengeance. Bonus points if you actually buy things from a school shop!
Here are some ideas for putting together your own geek look.

Sleek geek: Burberry cable knit cardigan; 3.1 Phillip Lim Exclusive Scout dress; Celine leather riding boots; striped socks; Malene Birger Gala headband; Linda Farrow Vintage for Luella glasses; robot earrings; Eprom necklace; MIDI cuff; watch by Tokyoflash.

Buffy geek: Caffeine molecule necklace; beanie; Buffy t-shirt; Pringle of Scotland Satin pouf shorts; black bolero jacket; Tokidoki for Lesportsac backpack; Demonia boots.

Potter geek: Gryffindor hoodie; Princess tulle skirt; Retrospecs glasses; Tarina Tarantino ring; magic wand; Hello Kitty backpack; New Rock boots.

Accessories: Retrospecs glasses; Robot Lover necklace; Luella bag; Melissa jelly sandals; Batman Converse; Cat’s Eye glasses; Lanvin Oxfords; Tokyoflash watch.
Extra For Experts:
Agathe shows how it’s done.
Designboom have very rad recyled cassette wallets!
Fashion Week for the Fashionably Challenged — oh, so funny. Black is the new modem minimalism art era for fashion. Black says “I don’t give a **** you work it out”.
How To Wear Geek Chic Style (for girls) from Wikihow.