Increasing Your Thrifting Luck
“The past few days I’ve been hitting up the vintage shops here in the San Francisco area (the Haight-Ashbury district, Berkeley) and I got to thinking about how I could improve my thrifting luck. I know that some people just have that certain knack for finding the diamonds in the rough in vintage/thrift/resale shops — I’ve had brief brushes with it, but I was wondering if you had any ideas for how to increase the odds of finding something amazing, besides just taking along someone with Thrift Luck and hoping it rubs off.”
Dear clever, iCiNG-dipped cuties,
I am a terrible thrift-shopper & I have no hints or tips to share on this subject! However, I know that a lot of you specialise in this area. Help a sister out & tell us your best secrets!
Thanks x 1,000,000!