Le Fabuleux Destin De Gala Darling Et Nubby Twiglet!
Okay! I can’t hold it in any longer! I AM SO EXCITED because in February, Miss Nubby Twiglet & I are JETTING OFF to fabulous PARIS!

Reasons this is exciting:
1. I have only ever been to Paris with boys, which is cool & all, but they never want to do what YOU want to do… namely, eat macarons, take heaps of photos & SHOP YOUR HEART OUT!
2. Even though Nubby & I travel together a lot, we have never caught a plane together! This time will be our in-air debut! I can’t wait to sit next to her as we fly over the sea!
3. Nubby HAS NEVER BEEN TO EUROPE! Oh my lord!
I am proper excited. PROPER. EXCITED! We are, of course, planning up a storm because, baby, that is just what we do. We’ve picked out a mad hotel, we are thinking of taking the EuroStar to London for a day, & we also plan on spending way way way too much time in Colette. It’s going to be BIG!
I am already fantasising about packing my suitcase… Any good suitcase requires a dose of mascara, a few pairs of frilly knickers, treasured vintage sunglasses & a fab pair of booties!

So, while it does seem PERHAPS a little silly to go from frozen cold New York City to frozen cold Paris–& while it may have made more sense to go from frozen cold New York City to, say, super-balmy & wonderful Barbados–silliness is what we are all about.
Like they say in parts of the world with an inclement climate, there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing! Amen, my chilled brethren!
In two months (!!!), Nubby & I will be presented with the ever-interesting challenge of striking a balance between cute & warm, frivolous & practical. We will be walking miles in a frigid city, which may rule out our usual collection of sky-high wedges & towering stilettos. Nubby appears to have fallen in shoe-lust with a pair of white Dr Marten Darcies while I am deeply in smit with black & white polka-dot Dr Marten 1460s. What will we actually end up wearing as we trot along the Champs-Élysées? It’s anyone’s guess!
It would be fair to say that a peek inside one of our suitcases will probably reveal strange patterned stockings, odd hats & faux fur coats, as well as the usual gamut of Virgo accoutrements, like false eyelashes, bunny ears, & Agent Provocateur underwear. (I need to come clean about this: I already bought a pair of [BLUE! GLITTER!] bunny ears from Miss Chubby Bunny in excited preparation!)
In my dreamies, my outfits would go something like this…

Bright colours interspersed with black, silly hats, bold prints & great boots. Oh, & a jolly good coat thrown over the top of it all for good measure!
Excited does not even begin to summarise it. I have been watching French films & practicing my pronunciation in anticipation! (Also, Nubby doesn’t speak French so it’s all going to rest on me! ZUT ALORS!) I am so amped on the idea that I even watched the episode of Gossip Girl (which I haven’t seen in years!) where Blair & Serena are in Paris! (It was just as terrible as I remember but I digress!)
Happy!!! Nubby & I do approximately one holiday together a year, & it is much-needed (& much-cherished) girl time. She is one of my favourite ever people to travel with–we have the exact same (ridiculous) agenda & we somehow never get sick of one another. We also value the same things on a holiday, like hotels with bizarre interior design… !
Honestly… we are already planning outfits over instant messenger. Save us from ourselves! & stay tuned for pictures & postcards from Paris!