Radical Self Love Bootcamp Is Live!

Radical Self Love Bootcamp! Illustration by Kris Atomic!

Let me ask you a question.What does radical self loathing look like?

It’s a creeping malaise. A feeling of despair & desperation. Hopelessness. Apathy. Not knowing what to do next. Wanting to improve your life but having no idea how to do that. Feeling disgusted by the way you look. Not wanting anyone to take a photo of you. Feeling like your insecurities are dictating your life. Feeling demotivated. Being “stuck”. Feeling lost. Loneliness. Thinking you have no options. Wanting to love yourself but feeling like you’re not worth it…

I officially invite you to STOP THE MADNESS!

Announcing: Radical Self Love Bootcamp!

Do you want to fall in love with yourself, truly, madly, deeply?

In 2006 I began making the transition from being a total miseryguts (!) to who I am today. I didn’t know how to love myself, & I didn’t think I deserved to love myself, either. In fact, I thought the whole concept was bogus!

All you need to begin, though, is to make the decision to change. Once I did, I started learning how to dismantle my own thought patterns & examine the things which were holding me back. These simple ideas helped me overhaul my entire life! The changes I went through were massive — there is no way that the girl I was in 2006 would be able to fathom doing a quarter of the things I do today!

I get emails all the time from amazing girls & wonderful boys who are starting on their radical self love journey, but don’t know what to do next. Once you’re ready to take the first step, where do you go from there? In Radical Self Love Bootcamp, I tell you exactly what to do!

Radical Self Love Bootcamp is a 30 day program which will…

Teach you how to fall in love with yourself! It’s time for romance, baby! For the duration of this month, you’ll date yourself, & learn how to treat yourself like you do your best friend.

Revitalise your view of who you are! Your vision of who you are isn’t necessarily true. Maybe some of those ideas came from someone or somewhere else. We’re going to take a big, deep, loving look at ourselves & reexamine who we really are!

Help you realise how incredibly beautiful your body is! I’m going to lavish you with oodles of tips, strategies & little tricks to help you become more comfortable with the way you look, & show you how to work the hell out of what you’ve got!

Introduce you to a group of incredible souls going through the same journey as you! HELLO, radical self love forum! OH YES!

Encourage you to live spontaneously & karate-chop your limiting beliefs! We’re going to be reminded how sublime & delicious it is to dance to the beat of our own drum! We’re going to examine our dreams & learn how to make them come true.

Motivate you to make essential changes… Because sometimes what we really need is a good kick in the pantaloons!

Encourage you to live with more integrity & truth. We’ll investigate what it means to “give your word”, & how things can feel off when we’re not really living with passion.

Get you feeling motivated, energised & excited again!

& most of all, inspire you to start living the life you’ve always wanted!

Radical Self Love Bootcamp comes complete with…

30 days — that’s 4 weeks! — of mind-expanding lessons & activities

Access to an exclusive Radical Self Love forum, where you can swap tips & make friends with other radical self love warriors! (!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Your invitation to live-streaming radical self love workshops, broadcast from International Playgirl HQ, with plenty of Q&A from YOU!

Videos to accompany & illustrate specific lessons

& a bundle of MP3s to get you psyched up every morning, & to chill you out at night!

Every day, you’ll read (or listen to!) a new lesson & be asked to think about or actively work on various facets of your life. There are worksheets, round-ups & lots of questions.

Radical Self Love Bootcamp isn’t a course. It is a TOTALLY IMMERSIVE experience! We’re going to get our hands dirty, & bring radical self love into your reality!

One of the most fabulous things is that you’re not doing this alone! With 24/7 access to the Radical Self Love Bootcamp forum, you have an instant network of incredible people who are going through the exact same process as you! Can you imagine the marvellousness of being able to LIVE CHAT with other radical self love warriors at 2 in the morning?!

Buy Now

Radical Self Love Bootcamp is $100US. You don’t need Paypal to sign up, a credit card will do just fine! All you have to do is click the heart on the left.

If you enroll today, you’ll be (immediately!) sent a link to download the entire course. You can start whenever you want: today, tomorrow or next week! You’ll also receive your invitation to become a part of our bangin’ Radical Self Love FORUM!

(It’s awesome.)

Alternatively, if you don’t have the cash right now but want to secure your place, you can pay in installments! You can either pay 2 installments of $50 or 4 installments of $25. You’ll be billed monthly, & you’ll receive your copy of Radical Self Love Bootcamp when you’re all paid up!


I am so incredibly excited about sharing Radical Self Love Bootcamp with you! It has been so illuminating just to put it together, & I can’t wait to experience awe-inspiring transformations with ALL of you!

P.S. Huge thanks to Kris Atomic. Didn’t she do a killer job on the illustration?!

P.P.S. There are some frequently asked questions about the bootcamp here!