Style Tips: 11th October 2010
Haven’t done one of these whooo-oh-oaah, for the longest time! (Sorry, Billy.) Let’s resurrect these suckers… !
Monday 11th October
Change your cellphone number! The people who matter will reconnect with you; the people who don’t won’t. It’s the easiest (& least confrontational) way of removing the dead weight from your life! You can do it every year if you feel like it — it’s enormously freeing.
Tuesday 12th October
Do this on every Tuesday from now on! Write in your Filofax, Moleskine, calendar page or phone, “Organise weekend”! This way, you’ll always have something to do, you have three days to prepare & get excited about it, & you can give anyone else you want to bring along ample notice! (Thanks, Tim Ferriss!)
Wednesday 13th October
Decide to do two new things this coming season (be it winter or summer)! A season is a great span of time to make something happen. Want to learn to appreciate wine? Undertake an ambitious art project? Start growing orchids? Research it & make it happen!

Thursday 14th October
Start organising long dinners which involve three friends or more! (This is another Tim Ferriss special!) Decide to make it a regular event, even though you need be the only “regular” there. Set a slow tone & let it ease into the night. Share a bottle of wine & make the table a sacred place where anything said can be kept there if necessary. It’s good for the soul & provides a life-affirming kind of structure!
Friday 15th October
Listen to your intuition. That thing you don’t feel quite right about? Say no to it. Saying no doesn’t make you difficult — it makes you someone who values their own truth.
Saturday 16th October
Learn how to make an amazing chocolate drink! Hot? Cold? Alcoholic? It’s up to you, but start doing some research on recipes & the very best chocolate drink mix. It will make you so happy!
Sunday 17th October
Get over your ex once & for all. C’mon baby, it’s SO over! Don’t dwell any longer. Look to your future & embrace the incredible love affairs that are approaching!