Things I Love Thursday & Carousel: Gratitude Is The Attitude!

Let’s take a moment together to focus on the positive. I have to admit that for the last few days, I’ve felt like I was walking around with a little dark storm cloud over my head. Sometimes it can be really difficult to shake yourself out of that place, that place where you wish you had a pair of noise-cancelling headphones attached to your noggin at all times!
I would like to blame it all on hormones, on Mercury retrograde, or on the dark moon coming up this weekend… but ultimately, we have to take responsibility for our own moods. Your mood is a choice, & you own your attitude. Some people say, “She totally ruined my mood!” or “My day is totally wrecked now”, but no. When we say this, we give away all of our power! Do you really want to allow someone else to dictate the happiness quotient of your day?
We are in charge of our lives & our moods, even — especially — when we think we aren’t.
On Wednesday night, I watched America’s Next Top Model for the first time in ages. I always forget that it’s on, but this time I was watching because was sponsoring the show, & I’m working with them this month! I’m so glad I tuned in, though, because it reminded me of something vital.
One of the models had a terminably intolerable attitude on set: she was surly, moody & arrogant. During the judging, Kelly Cutrone (who I think is quite awesome, & her two books are great reads), said to her, “You need to put more gratitude in your attitude”. Well! This girl couldn’t hack it. She stormed out, & she actually quit the show.
But hearing Kelly say that really reminded me that gratitude is so important, & while it’s easy to be thankful & appreciative of what we have when life is going well, it’s those days where things feel like they are falling down that we REALLY need to practice it. It’s more difficult, yes, of course. But it also brings enormous rewards.
So, if you can, take a few minutes today to think about what you’re really & truly thankful for. I promise you that if you can come up with ten things (& we all can!), your mood will improve so much!

Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s distract ourselves with some links! Hooray!
The real way to build a social network. Truth.
Si wrote about how judgment is the insidious killer.
Chloe made a trip to Lake Dolores, aka, “Welcome 2 Hell”! Such fun pictures!
My friend Isaac — from New Zealand — wrote about how he moved to America. Excellent information for anyone else who also wants to make the jump.
Feministing started to put together a list of songs for bad body image days. What would you put on your list?
My hairdresser Kristin just started a blog about her journey to fitness: My Fit Decision. It’s so inspiring to hear about the changes she’s making, I’m totally proud of her!
I’m kind of intrigued by Wanderfly — it’s basically Pinterest for travellers, adventurers & international playgirls!
Here are some Disneyland on acid-esque paintings from Dave MacDowell… Just in case you wanted a little surreality in your day!
Zora Neale Hurston was awesome.
Laurie Penny wrote about eating disorder awareness & her own experiences.
This article really gave me pause about my online shopping habits… but then I realised that all stores are stocked from warehouses. What can we do?
Here are 40 secret iPhone features & shortcuts! Fun for geeks!
Kate wrote about being sexy & what her vision of sexiness really is. I loved it.
Oooooooh! Bike porn! Thanks Sarah!
I’d agree with almost everything in this article about the death of the cyberflaneur. Things really have changed.
I AM 100% OBSESSED with Magical Creatures, a collaboration between Wildfox Couture (love!) & Francesca Lia Block (super mega ultra love!). Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Speaking of Francesca Lia Block — one of my all-time favourite authors — if you love her like I do, please help save her faerie cottage. It’ll only take a moment… Please spread the word.
This flower installation is beautiful & moving.
If you’re okay with nudity, A Year Without Clothes is pretty cool! (You probably shouldn’t look at it in your corporate office, though!)
Smart: Virgin Atlantic staff are trained to whisper to put fliers at ease.
Whatever happened to the golden age of dirty talk?
Karl Lagerfeld’s apartment in Gramercy is back on the market, but looking at the decor, he NEVER lived there. Still, it’s pretty, huh?
On that note, Karl Lagerfeld has a new website: (bien sûr). If you click on ‘World of Karl’ you get a selection of his Karlisms… Comme ça!
Hear Frank Ocean’s “White” off Odd Future Tape Vol. 2. It’s short but sweet!
Do you agree with Grace Coddington that interns should just suck it up? The tags on that article are hilarious, too: Paul Smith, designers, Grace Coddington, interns, ink-stained wretches, the interns are revolting !
Don’t you know… Buying this thing will make me happy!
This guy’s blog just made $1 billion worth of nude body scanners totally worthless. Amazing. KUDOS. The TSA make me crazy! (I always opt out & get a pat-down, instead. It sucks but it’s better than going through their machine.)
I love this floral antlers necklace display idea!
Oh, & finally, if you’ve ever wanted to interview me, here’s your chance! Let me know your question & I’ll compile all my answers for the blog! Mwah!
“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, & demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long & its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people & grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food & for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one & no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools & robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep & pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song & die like a hero going home.” (Tecumseh)
& on that note… Have a fantastic weekend. Do something different!
Love & eyelashes,