Things I Love Thursday

I’m very full of love this morning! How about you? Here’s my list of current zestiness!
This amazing little girl who I met on the plane to Los Angeles. She was 3 years old & had the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. She introduced herself to me as she was making her way to her seat & then said about what she was holding, “This is a cup”. I asked her what she was going to do with it, & she looked at me like I was a COMPLETE IDIOT & said, “I’m going to recycle it, because we have to keep the earth beautiful.” WHOAH. I don’t know why that affected me so much, it just did. We also had the following exchange & it basically made my entire day:
Gala to small child: Do you like New York?
Small child: Yes. It’s my favourite kind of planet.
Dishy ’cause he’s just an A+ in all ways. He gives me great reality checks & pep talks & even though he eats all the apple pie & pretends that he has chewed through my secret chocolate stash when I am away, I love him. He also gives great advice to my friends. I was on Skype to one of my favourite people last night & he came in, ranted & raved about what she should do, then ran out of the room with his hands in the air, yelling, “THE DISH HAS SPOKEN!” Hahaha. So funny. I was so excited to come home to him on Tuesday morning, & that is such a wonderful thing.
Jazzi McG. Our time together was brief (juice stop, shopping, LAX) but we made it count! We talked constantly the whole way, whipping up new business ideas & exchanging tidbits. She is so amazing & such a clever, perceptive girl! Even sweeter, when she dropped me off she texted me:
Impulsively bought some delish chocolate on my way home. I’m like a sad girlfriend whose lover just left her haha
HAVING LONG HAIR AGAIN as evidenced by this video.
Miss Bee Jellyfish did an AMAZING job on my hair. Look how perfectly the colour matches! No small feat. We ordered the hair online & when it arrived, it was BLONDE! NOT WHITE! Cue an emergency trip to Ricky’s for toner. Long story short, the hair matches perfectly & looks amazing. I LOVE YOU BEE!!! Thank you so much for being so good at what you do! (Also, look how cute she is!)
Las Vegas anticipation! I haven’t even been back in New York for three days & I’m already gearing up for my next trip: Vegas in June. Seriously one of my favourite places. It is so brilliant in all its ridiculousness. I’m meeting my BESTTT friend from Australia there, we’re going to stay in a sweet room & go SHOPPING. Also I’m taking her for a meal at the Mesa Grill as a belated birthday present! We are both so excited about it that I actually booked my flight while I was on the plane back to NYC, couldn’t wait any longer! I’m dying to see her again (we rendez-vous about once a year, not bad for two people who live on opposite sides of the planet) & she is one of my absolute favourite people. She’s smart as a whip, incredibly beautiful & totally hilarious. So happy!
Le delicious: “I met a teepee today & fell in love with it”; obsessively searching for ridiculous headbands (psychedelic ladies who lunch forever!); waking up & not knowing where you are (kinda fun?); frozen coffee drinks (hey, you, shhh, I was in Palm Springs, you have to); sitting under flowering trees which kept dropping blossoms on my head; aquamarine swimming pools; Polaroids; Nivea Sun-Kissed Firming Moisturizer (& studious application & re-application twice daily, I am using it to top off my spray tan & it’s GREAT); In-N-Out Burger (FOREVER); my room at the W Hollywood (long live the W — excuse the disarray); compulsory roadtrip stops for lip gloss, candy & self-tanner; “passenger Goldfinger”; wifi in the sky, thanks American Airlines; sugarpickle; making lists of words I love; Flowerbomb body lotion; new sunglasses; dinosaurs as roadside attractions; Hall & Oates forever; “penis guns & laser dicks”; making mixes for roadtrips; chocolate-dipped strawberry shakes with Jazzi & stopping to go shopping before she took me to LAX; the Admirals Club (v. civilised); adding new pictures to my header!; Chuck Berry; hearing from a fashion designer I really like that she has one of my quotes stuck next to her front door (!!!); not being able to use my arms after a gruelling session at the gym; this! (so funny, & my shelf looks completely different now!); leaving the house for 20 minutes & being compared to Lady Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, “that girl from Sex & The City” & “Paris Hilton’s sister” (HAHA — here is the top half of the outfit which prompted those comments); scrambling around in the desert at sunrise; The Pirate & The Penpal by Lifter Puller; Californian sunshine; beautiful days in New York City. It’s so green & lush here right now, it is incredible.
Also, it was my momma’s birthday on Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Momma Darling! I love you so much!
“I’m a really big believer that we all have this voice inside of us, & that voice is God talking to us, & we are all magical, & we all have something as specific to do as our fingerprint. & everybody should go out & do that. & I think between the ages of 15 & 32, don’t worry about getting married, don’t worry about settling down, don’t worry about having a baby. Give birth to yourself.” — Kelly Cutrone
What have you been really excited about, looking forward to, delighted by this week?