Tutu Mania!

What would make this Valentine’s Day perfect for you? A box of chocolates? A new vibrator? A semi-automatic weapon?!
How about a tutu? A tutu is the ultimate addition to your wardrobe; I’m convinced of it. (& yet somehow I don’t have one! I plan on remedying this crisis soon!) Okay, so how does this all tie together? I got an email from this amazing woman called Lynne Bruning the other day. She said, “Would you one of your nonpareils like a tutu for Valentine’s Day?” You probably don’t need to know how I responded; you can probably guess.
Long story short, Lynne is giving away a tutu to one of YOU. A magnificent, super-fluffy, frilltastic, poofalicious, mind-melting mass of tuturiffic wonderfulness! How your prize looks is up to you — she has a selection of different colours & sizes so you can pick the one which you love best! YES! Tutu MANIA for EVERYONE!
Want your own tutu? Of course you do! All you have to do is…
Tell us your absolute favourite way to cheer up!
(Other than flouncing to the supermarket in a fabulous tutu, of course…)
My answer? Watching this. (Oh my god. CUTE.)
You have 24 hours to enter the contest, & the winner will be drawn completely at random. The only caveat is that it needs to be shipped within the United States. (If you live in England but have a friend in the States who would send it on, though, please feel free to enter!) Good luck!
By the way, if you don’t have any plans for Saturday, why don’t you hit up the fabric store, load up Lynne’s TuTu Crazy instructable & make one yourself?!