We’re Bringing The Blogcademy To… LONDON!

The Blogcademy Headmistresses by Lisa Devlin

‘Allo Guv’nor! Yes, it’s true! Kat, Nubby & I are bringing The Blogcademy to good old London town; dusting off our passports & flying over the ditch to mingle with the best of British!

It’s pretty fair to say that we’re DYING with excitement!

Our first class in New York City was such a smashing success that it seemed silly not to bring it to Europe! Of course, we’d love to see you there…

“This past weekend I went to The Blogcademy and oh my heavens. I haven’t felt that kind of magic since summer of 2010.”

(Angela Rumel)

Want to join us?

The Blogcademy will be LIVE in London on the 19th & 20th January 2013. The location? Curtain Road Studios, in Shoreditch. (It’s pretty beautiful. We’re pretty excited.)

Best of all, we have an earlybird special for the first 48 hours… So don’t dilly-dally! Click here to reserve your space!

At The Blogcademy, 30 enthusiastic bloggers are provided with guidance & encouragement, along with a massive dose of inspiration. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a hobbyist or if blogging is your full-time gig; all that matters is that you have a passion for this crazy thing we call the blogosphere!

Got questions? Read the overview & check out our FAQ! Or you could read about what happened at The Blogcademy in New York City!

Instagrams from The Blogcademy NYCInstagrams from our fabulous students in New York City!

“Truth be told I’ve been trying to get my mojo to sing loud and proud for an age, to middling success. To get things hip hop moving along I spent a couple of days at the first ever Blogcademy in New York city. It was hands down one of the best things I’ve done to move my ideas forward in a really long time. The BEST. I think I may have a choir of mojo about to sing hallelujah. It got me thinking about how we get our mojos to sing…”

(Maree Forbes)

The Blogcademy: London!

The Blogcademy is a two-day workshop designed to shake you all the way down to the tippy-toes of your blogging boots! We spend the weekend together, talking about how to make your blog completely unique. The structure is informal & fun, more like being part of a conversation with your friends than a stiff, dull conference style. (That’s not how we learn best, & we bet it’s the same for you!)

We pack as much information as we can into our two days together, with plenty of space for ample Q&A. (Bring your questions! Do your best to bamboozle us!) From branding to book deals, PR to digital products, if it’s part of the blogosphere, we’ve either done it or are doing it right now!

On Sunday, you’ll get an expert photography lesson from Lisa Devlin, British wedding photographer of the year. Oh, & we send you off with a personal review of your blog, summarised on a report card! Boom!

The goal is that you go home with your head bursting with ideas… Then start implementing them!

By the way, if you’re curious about what The Blogcademy was like from the eyes of our students, read one of these posts from Femke, Nikki (our wonder volunteer), Hayley, Liz, Maree, Stephanie Marie, Ruby, Andrea, Islandia, Stephanie, Dara, Jamie or Natanya… !

“All blogging info aside, Kat, Gala and Shauna taught lessons of confidence, self love and positivity. The overarching theme of the weekend was: you are the only person that can take control of your future, so own it!

(Liz Davis)


“Y’all MUST GO. It was AWESOME. So much great info that a week later my brain is still leaking!”

(Kim McCleskey)

Did you know Shauna has never been to London?! She’s going to rip her jolly knickers! I can’t wait for the hi-jinks to ensue… Do all you Brits promise to show us a good time?!

Click here to take advantage of our earlybird special! Oh, & don’t forget to follow along with our adventures — & surprise announcements! — on Twitter!

I’m so excited to see you!