Carousel — Week Ending 25th January 2008
Don’t Mention Sex & The City. This is an old interview with Candace Bushnell about her life. I think it’s interesting, & you might too!
Kirsten Dunst for Miu Miu. I’m not a huge fan of Dunsty, but I love this series a lot. (Broken link fixed!)
Vogue Girl Korea presents: narcolepsy in high-end garments! Fabulous!
Amazingly hot bodies ‘r’ us in Knock Out by Steven Meisel. I also like Live on the Web.
Beautifully vivid fantastic amazing drop-dead photography by Tony Notarberardino, ditto Johan Sandberg.
Vintage Femme Fatale by Josh Kurpius. A girl in a Livejournal community said these pictures made her feel better when she broke up with her boyfriend. I believe her!
Alice made a Gala Darling-inspired colour palette with COLOURlovers! How cute & awesome! There is also a fantastic blog post over there (Whet Your Palate: Colorful French Macarons) with beautiful pictures & colour palettes. Miam miam! Lots of fun to be had on this site… danger!
Get a free astrology birth chart at Cafe Astrology! I really like these because they actually tell you what it means, not just x conjuncts y blah trine blah square. Plus, you can do a free compatibility test with your lover which is awesome & useful (& true, in my experience). They don’t ask for your email address either, so no spam! Glee!
The perfect (?!) solution to a really bad hair day… a knitted wig! Crazy! Thanks, MayaSaurus!
Strange Sisters, an archive of lesbian paperback artwork from the 50’s & 60’s!
This is what it looks like if you eat raw & exercise every day. Jaw-dropping. Anthony, the guy in the photo, is a model & also writes a great blog about raw — Raw Model. Good readin’!
Decadent Byronesque coiffure for men, provided with love by Wildilocks — a how to video & photographs to light your way!
Deliciously creepy; thank you Eugenio Recuenco!
Specktra writes about high definition make-up, which makes you look flawless & airbrushed… Sounds pretty good to me!
Also, Melbourne kids — if you want to pump up your wardrobe with some amazing pieces & for a pittance, I suggest checking out the Circa Vintage Clothing stockroom sale on Monday! Here’s the scoop from Nicole:
Where: Upstairs, Circa, 102 Gertrude Street Fitzroy.
How to get there: Enter off Young Street, go down the alley behind Circa and look for the car park — there you will see the door going upstairs.
When: Australia Day holiday, Monday January 28th, from 12pm to 3pm only.
What: Mens and ladies vintage clothing from the ’20s to the ’90s — items from only $1!
Payment accepted: Preferably cash, EFTPOS available for amounts over $20, credit cards for amounts over $50.
You should watch this, it is great.