What Should I Buy For Mother’s Day?
This Sunday, the 11th of May, is Mother’s Day. You can call it a Hallmark holiday all you like, but let’s face it — without a mother, none of us would be here in the first place! She deserves a bit of love, & you know it. Here are some ways to show her your appreciation without resorting to old faithful gifts — like a gift pack from The Body Shop or a scented candle!
Write her a letter or card
These days, whenever it’s a birthday, Christmas or Mother’s/Father’s Day, my gift of choice is a card or letter. That might sound like a bit of a cop-out, but really, my parents have everything they need — & anything they want, they’ll get. I can’t add a lot of value to their life by buying them knick-knacks & stuff they’ll never use.
On the flip-side, writing somebody something personal has huge value. I’m not talking about a card that says “Happy Mother’s Day, love Josephine”! You need to make it worthwhile. Sit down, spend an hour, write something meaningful. I like to write to my parents & tell them that I love them, admire them & am grateful for everything they’ve done for me (though of course, I mix it up a lot!). It always means much more to them than a candle or a book ever could.
This article was actually prompted by an email I received from a girl who said that she & her mother didn’t get along very well. She knew she had to do something for mother’s day but felt that her mother had caused her so much pain that the idea of buying her a gift made her grit her teeth. My suggestion was that she write her a card or letter, saying that she knew their relationship wasn’t perfect but that she loved her anyway, & that she hoped that they could work on that. So it doesn’t have to be all sweetness & light — just genuine.
Help her out
Your average mother is an unbelievable multi-tasker, juggler & jack of all trades. She has kids, a career, a lover, a house that seems to self-mess & a billion obstacles to navigate. Imagine you were your mother for a day. How well do you think you’d do? I think I’d be a total flop!
So, why not help lighten the load? Now, you don’t have to do any manual labour yourself if you don’t want to. But you could try hiring a cleaner for a month — they could come in for a few hours every Monday & help get the house in order. You could offer to cook dinner for a week, or if cooking isn’t your forte, you could hire someone to do it for her! You could offer to babysit so that she can go out & do something indulgent & luxurious. Alternatively, you could pay for her to get pampered. What mother wouldn’t want a massage, a manicure or a spa day?
A framed photograph
If you have a good photograph of you & your momma, or even just a nice recent photo of yourself, frame it & wrap a bow around it. Everyone likes evidence of themselves with someone they love having a great time. Bonus points if you use an image editing program to make you both look younger & more beautiful! A little use of the healing & blurring brushes goes a long way!
Sending a photo of yourself is a great option if you live far away from your mother or just don’t see her very often. That way, if you turn up at her door one day, she’ll remember who you are! (Just kidding!)
Something alive
Flowers are nice but they don’t last very long — & all that cutting-the-stems-diagonally, putting-Aspirin-or-sugar-in-the-water stuff is a bit of a drag. Mother’s day is meant to be her day off, after all! If you buy her a potted plant, it’ll be something she can keep for much longer, & every time she looks at it she will be reminded of you, her sublime offspring!
The best thing to do is go for something low-maintenance. Buying her something she has to think about all the time is not the idea! Orchids are my favourite because they only need a bit of water every couple of days & they’re right as rain, but if you ask someone at a garden centre, they’ll be able to push you in the right direction.
Go for a walk
How often do we get to spend time with our mothers & just hang out? If you’re anything like me, barely ever. There’s always something to do, somewhere to go, businesses to talk about & dinner to make. If you go on a walk together, you might be surprised at how good it is to just spend time with one another. You’re related, after all, & more similar than you might initially think. You don’t have to walk along the beach (this isn’t a personals ad!), but even walking to a cafĂ© or around the neighbourhood can be wonderful.
Have a cup of tea
& hold her hand. Tell her you love her, bring her some biscuits & hug.
If none of these have tickled your fancy, there are a whole lot of other ideas at my article on Gift-Giving from last year!
If you’re a mother, what was your best ever mother’s day present? If not, what are you going to do for your mother this Sunday?