Carousel — Week Ending 23rd May 2008
From New York Magazine: How to Get Tinsley Mortimer’s Face in Just Fifteen Steps — well, if that’s something you want! There’s also a video of the Superhero Fashion exhibit at the Met, for those of you who can’t get there or just want a closer look! (I went last week, it was amazing.) & finally, an incredible apartment: “Every surface in the south-facing apartment, with the exception of the DDC couch and chairs, is reflective. “At night you can see the taxicabs in the ceiling,” says Christopher Coleman. “On the 39th floor!””
Guy Kawasaki interviews Darren Rowse about blogging. Two great people rolled up into one article — bring on the applause!
Trusting In The Universe by the fantastic Philip McCluskey, who is just as incredible in real life as you would expect.
Rebel Romance: Sarah Jessica Parker & Chris Noth (aka Carrie Bradshaw & Mr Big) shoot for Vogue, by Annie Leibovitz. (& an accompanying article.)
For Nikki, who asked me what No Impact Man & I spoke about, & anyone else who is interested, he wrote a little piece about meeting me: Sustainable living as a practice rather than morality lesson. (Yup — as you can tell, we got along! He’s a total champ!)
As a follow-up to my recent Moleskine inspiration article, Shannon sent me this link to customised Moleskines — yum yum!
Last Saturday I went out street-style hunting with Craig of Altamira NYC. It was so much fun; we trawled around Soho, Nolita, the Meatpacking District & the West Village in a quest for the hottest outfits on the street. It was amazing though, I never realised how much work it is! I always thought street-style photographers might nip out for a couple of hours, get a bunch of shots & then call it a day. Not so! We walked for hours & while he did capture some exceptional outfits, they were few & far between! Even in the trendiest parts of NYC… ! He does a magnificent job, so you should check out his website, wink wink, but I commend him (& all street-style photographers!) for the hard work & perseverance it requires!
This girl is 16 & has style that puts, well, pretty much everyone to shame! Wow.
Dhrumil talks about falling still, meditation & the present moment. I really like this video — he’s so cool & genuine. Much love & respec’! Watch & enjoy the message as well as his perfectly-groomed facial hair! Seriously, it is impressive, right?!
Really cool photographs from Nadav Kander.
Standing Versus Sitting — I found this link via Dhrumil, it’s a short piece by a guy who thinks he is much more productive when he stands up at his computer instead of sitting down… I am so curious to test it out now!
San Francisco escorts: No ordinary johns. What kind of person do sex workers interact with? Violet Blue has the dish! (Ooh err.)
12 Traits of Successful Bloggers from Problogger.
Colourful photographs by Sandra Freij.
Tim Ferriss writes about ROWE — Results-Only Work Environment, parts 1 & 2. Show your boss & change your life!