iCiNG Days Of Christmas: Gala Prize!
Okay, this is the final gift in the iCiNG Days Of Christmas! Your regularly-scheduled programming will be back tomorrow (& that’s also when I will start announcing the winners!).
This one is a little something from me. Because I didn’t really know who I was shopping for, I just bought things I loved, & hoped that whoever received it would love them too!
Contained within its super-sparkliness is… A copy of one of my favourite books, Lolita! A hardback Moleskine diary for 2009! An insanely sparkly pink pencil-case! Birthday cake stickers! A pink pen with a big, luminous star on the top of it (& feathery madness)! Your very own holographic unicorn Christmas ornament, just like mine! & a super-cute Momiji doll with a secret message inside from me! You’ll also get a card telling you how much I looooove you!
Even better, it was wrapped by my mother! Haha! (She is much better at it than me!) So you get super-holographic paper & love from Mama Darling, too. What could possibly be better?!
How do you win the silly Gala prize?
Tell us: What would you really, really like to say to somebody, but as yet haven’t — or can’t?
You have 48 hours & the winner will be drawn at random! Big kisses!