Carousel — Week Ending 23rd January 2009
I’m sure I’ve linked this before but I will always love Tim Walker, so it’s okay.
If you’ve always wanted to know what I carry in my wallet, now you do, thanks to the Secret Society of List Addicts!
What advice do you wish you were given? About transitioning to raw food, from Give It To Me Raw. Good stuff!
I’m sure I’ve linked to it before, but CMYKaboom! by Cynthia Silvestri in NYC is a wicked sweet blog with lots of lovely stuff to thrill & titillate! (She’s a very charming girl, too.)
Another fun blog: Cabinet of Curiosities by Lady Lavona (who has an Etsy shop here).
Top favorite people seen in Hold Steady show audience Thursday. Haha.
Wonderland expedition kit. (Thanks, Vixxie!)
Wanna switch teams?
Um, how did I never see this before?! Sera Beak’s recommended reading list. Wow. To the Amazon wishlist we go!
My friend Erin knits, & she made a Gala Darling scarf! It’s pretty & cozy, go check it out!
“Once upon a time there was a pretty girl named Gala, she teased New York with her presence and then took it away across a couple of ponds. She is said to return at one point or another but New York can’t wait for her return. In lieu of miss Gala Darling being absent I re-made a cowl similar to one I made for her. Its the same yarn from the same skein, in a different stitch…”
Noel writes about why fashion matters to her. Nicely put, little one!
After the roofies I took I was a total mess, it was amazing.
McQ Alexander McQueen for Target? WHY NOT? I love this collection, it is sexy & sleek & wearable. Damn boy, you did good.
You can stream the new POS track, Drumroll (We’re All Thirsty) here.