Style Tips: Mimosas In The Bathtub!
Make a regular date to meet your lover in the bathtub… with mimosas. I love this idea so much, though I can’t take credit for it! When I had dinner with Shae last week, she told me that it was her favourite way to end the day! She & her husband have a standing date where they meet in the bathtub with mimosas & discuss the events of the day. They do this every evening! Isn’t that perfect? I can’t think of a better meeting place.
Bring back the phonecall! Do you remember back in the ’90s when all you ever wanted to do was talk on the phone? Do you remember how everyone in your class at school envied that girl who had a private telephone line installed in her room? Do you remember dangling upside down on your bed, talking & talking & talking until your ear got sweaty & your elbow cramped up? ME TOO, & I miss it!
I phoned my friend the other day & she didn’t answer, then texted back saying, “Did you butt dial me?”
No, I didn’t butt dial you! I wanted to talk to you on the PHONE, as opposed to trying to convey every single emotion, thought & feeling via text message. Frankly, my thumbs are over it, & the rest of me is too! We all have this major phone phobia thing going on right now & I want to do my part to call an end to it!
So… Call your friend instead of texting them. They might be surprised, stunned, a little shell-shocked at first, but you’ll enjoy yourselves way more than the exchange of a few text messages, I promise!
Use tea tins as vases… or really, anything you like! The days of being restricted to using a glass vase are long gone. I love the way buds look in Harney & Sons tea tins! See?! Gorgeous!
You can also use a big glass cookie jar, a teapot, a skull goblet, or even an old boot! (Just hide a vase inside it!)
Once you start thinking about it, you’ll realise that the possibilities are truly endless!
Be inspired by Sonia Rykiel, & glue faux-pearls to your sunglasses! I love these sunglasses but the truth is that Sonia Rykiel’s designs don’t come cheap. The good news is this would be a 15 minute DIY if you’re handy with a tube of glue!
Just find a pair of cheap frames that you love, then hit up a craft store. Be sure to pick pearls (or other embellishments!) which fit the width of the frames… & don’t feel like you have to use pearls, either! Crystals, studs or beads would make just as much of an impact!
Celebrate Beltane! Yes! It’s Beltane TODAY! Beltane is the last of the 3 spring fertility festivals. It’s a celebration of fire, fertility & abundance. Fertility isn’t just about getting pregnant, by the way: it’s also about new projects, fresh starts, & reaping what you sow. It’s about celebrating life. It’s also a time when the veil between the worlds is said to be at its thinnest.
How can you welcome Beltane? Wear flowers in your hair, & bright colours! Gather your friends: eat, drink & be merry! Fire is a major part of Beltane, so light candles & think about what you want to come to fruition over the next few months…
You can read more about Beltane here!
Love, always!