Things I Love Thursday: SpottieOttieDopaliscious!

Why SpottieOttieDopaliscious? Two reasons: it is an awesome song, & it is also one of my (many) nicknames for Dolly. She epitomises spottieottiedopalisciousness! Look at her rocking that flower crown! Quelle babe! (I love this outtake too!)
It has been a very, very big week, containing three consecutive days of shooting for a variety of publications, an entire closet reorganisation, a massive slaying of my inbox & a couple of extremely well-deserved early nights! Blissful. Blissful, I tell you!
Here’s a little rundown of happiness, illustrated by Instagram photos!

This tweet Watching The Rum Diary avec my beloved
These extremely babein’ dresses from Nanette Lepore
Spending my Monday with Angela Beer & Fiona Tomlinson — New Zealand represent!
My husband’s general awesomeness: he has been working on the Intrepid fixing the Enterprise space shuttle! What a babe!
Buying Frank Ocean tickets (YES!)
Evolve or evaporate
Watching Jon Stewart on planes & totally being that person laughing her head off in public
Old episodes of A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila… Hahah!
Urban Decay 24/7 Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner — I was using Make Up For Ever’s liquid eyeliner but I just ran out… & this one is GREAT (& I love the brush)
Growing my hair! It’s past my shoulders now!!!
Trading in SO MUCH clothing at Buffalo Exchange! (If you want to snap up some of my dresses, they’re at the East Village location!)
Aching leg muscles from insane workouts
Jermaine, the chef at The Juice Press (I adore him & his hat)
Having a head full of new ideas
Spending plenty of time outside the house
Enjoying terrible movies with my man
Delicious picnics on short-notice!
Warren G!
How has your week been? Take a moment to grab a Post It & scribble down 10 things you’re happy about this very instant. Stick it to the side of your screen & you’ll smile all day!