Things I Love Thursday: Getting Into The Halloween Spirit!
Can’t tell you how much I love this quote. It says so much, & is the perfect opener for Things I Love Thursday!
It’s all very exciting around here. Kat & Lisa are winging their way across the Atlantic as we speak! We have so much silliness planned, from lunch with Naomi to visiting Nanette Lepore’s studio to the arrival of Nubby &, of course, The Blogcademy next weekend!
By the way, if you wanted to come to The Blogcademy but missed out on snapping up a ticket, a space has opened up! Do you want it?! We’d love to meet you!
I’ve been trying to get all my work done ahead of time because I know that once Kat goes here, any semblance of productivity will go completely out the window! She’s a naughty one…
The halloween spirit has taken over my life in a major way: I’ve been buying vampire water-bottles, sticking ghosts, pumpkins, candy, spiders & haunted houses onto my thumbnails, photographing pumpkins & planning getaways to Sleepy Hollow (yes!). It’s getting really cold, too — this morning I had to put Dolly into her little skull & crossbones sweater! (So cute though, I would take any excuse to put her in that thing!)
Eating pizza at Grimaldi’s with friends from out of town Looking over at Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge Daytime naps to ward off sickness! Mae West quotes Going to the movies with my love Sequin Band-Aids! Thick hot chocolate from Max Brenner The name “Jiggly Caliente” & everything about Rupaul’s Drag Race My doctor, who plays The Cure & Morrissey in his waiting room Working on the couch under a blanket with both dogs = sublime Oversized Celine sunglasses Lots of exciting changes underway David Dallas’ Buffalo Man EP (it’s a free download, so get on it) Waking up to surprises from Swarovski Busting out my leopard faux-fur coat again (!!!) Our black & white polka-dot bedspread Mountain Ocean Coconut Skin Trip body moisturiser — smells like a tropical adventure, AMAZING Taco night! Fresh flowers on my desk Getting organised!
Hope you’re having a lovely Thursday!