Melbourne iCiNG Brunch!
Two Sundays from now, I thought it would be great to have a little, informal iCiNG brunch. So come along, bring a friend if you’re shy, eat good bruschetta & drink some of the best coffee in the city (in my opinion). & talk to me, of course! I’d really like to meet some of you! Actually, that is a complete lie. I’d like to meet ALL of you, but until we can figure out some way for me to be on every continent at once, it’s probably not going to happen!
For those of you wondering where Block Place is — Google maps to the rescue! Now you have no excuses. I will be wearing a flower in my buttonhole to distinguish myself…
(Yes, I had to re-do the invitation because I forgot about Easter. Oops! & for Nadine, who asked, the photograph is an installation art piece, I have no idea who by…)
Looking forward to it!