Things I Love Thursday: Sometimes Your Words Just Hypnotise Me
The big news of the week around these parts has definitely been the launch of Blogcademy Home School. It has been amazing to us to see so many babes getting their learn on! Videos have been whizzing out the door at breakneck speed, and we’re both astounded and thankful. Thank you for coming on this adventure with us, and if you’re curious, you can read a handful of reviews here!
In other news, here’s an update about the new apartment, in case you were wondering how it’s going. We LOVE it. Our new street is so quiet that we can sleep with the window open, a fan blowing a cool breeze across the bed. (This is a New York miracle.)
Having said that, there is nothing in the living room except a full-length mirror and two bookcases filled with paperbacks. (Priorities, right?) I’ve been working from bed, and sometimes, from the kitchen table. I’ve been burning a house blessing candle, and on Monday night I saged the entire place. But it’s still bare bones. Now that everything is finally unpacked, and we are no longer living out of boxes, it’s time to start making this place pretty… Stay tuned!
God, I absolutely love this time of year, when New York City teeters on the precipice of Summer. The concrete heats up and the streets are awash with strangers seeking adventure. I haven’t been back long, but Mike and I have already tried a bunch of new restaurants (including Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken [heavenly] and Miss Lily’s [badass]), experienced a booming thunderstorm and walked home during a flash flood warning, seen Godzilla at an IMAX theatre, laid in bed watching new (to us) episodes of New Girl, and gone on more than a few late-night ice-cream missions. Plus, last week, I got to see David Dallas perform at S.O.B’S, and was showered with my favourite NZ snacks, namely Barbeque Shapes and Pineapple Lumps. Thanks, Lani!
Winter, I’m sorry, but Summer kicks your ASS.
I’m slightly amazed to say that this time next week I will be in Vancouver, Canada, discovering all that it has to offer. It’s been a while since I visited somewhere totally new, and I’m feeling excited about it! In the plans: hiking (“I will fill you in on something I discovered. Hiking… is walking“), a spa day, and plenty of exploration! We’re there for a week, and I’d love to hear your suggestions of what we should do!
I got love for you: Tiny little tangerines (the perfect snack) Popcorn (seriously, I wouldn’t go to the movies if it didn’t exist. Popcorn is the whole POINT!) The little things, like for example, the fact that our new building has a laundry in it. If you don’t live in NYC, just know, that this is pure luxury. The fact that when I post really weird stuff (like yesterday’s post on 11:11), you guys just GET IT. I mean, how amazing is that?! Using David Copperfield as a reference in official business emails The fact that there is a rainbow crosswalk in Vancouver! (I know where I’ll be…) Seeing Instagrams roll in of blogcadettes watching our videos all across the world! Not looking at Instagram or Twitter over the long weekend = awesomeness incarnate Secretly ordering Siegfried and Roy picture books and having them delivered to Shauna’s house Getting amped for the Color Run on Saturday! …And recovering from this very boring low-grade sickness which has had me bed-ridden since Saturday! (Cough, splutter. I’m on the mend!)
Eternal love,
Title photo by Assassynation!