Daily Outfit — 30th May 2008
What I wore to Sex & The City: The Movie!

Hot pink snood (avec les papillons)
Silk Kate Sylvester dress
Grey sweater from American Apparel (I am totally thrashing it)
Sandals from Irregular Choice (I bought them today)
Bag by Trent Nathan
Swarovski crystal bracelet, charm bracelet & 2 Tarina Tarantino rings

So, snoods are my new thing. I just bought three on Etsy from Purple Sage Designz (who I cannot recommend highly enough) — this one, a green one & a hot pink/cotton candy tie-dyed version. Major excitement.
I decided the hat needed something extra & the other day, walking in Soho, Gilda & I saw a hat in a shop window covered in butterflies, & I thought, damn, I could do that! So I went to Pearl River Mart (this huge Chinese superstore) & bought a box of 15 butterflies. They had magnets on the back & I wasn’t sure how I was going to attach them to the hat. I grabbed a safety pin to try & thread it, but to my delight, they stuck together — so I just put safety pins on my hat & the butterflies sat there obediently.
…Well, mostly obediently. The eagle-eyed among you will notice that in the top two pictures, one of the butterflies is grey, while here they’re yellow. Turns out a strong breeze will dislodge them. If anyone finds a neon yellow magnetic butterfly in the streets of Manhattan, consider it good luck!

I am happy. My new thing, for sure.
Sex & The City: The Movie was good, too — & the nonpareils I met were even better! Kisses!