Things I Love Thursday
Here it is, ma petite, & can you believe it’s October already?!
Things which have brought me immense joy & happiness over the last week:
The Dish The Dish The Dish also Chloe, my girlfriend, the otter, & life-saver (& her OhJoy list!)
laughing on the swings in a playground until I felt sick
daylight saving
finding a piece of paper on which I had scribbled (who knows when) “dream incubation” (?!)
The Beatles
Mercury going direct again (it happened on Wednesday, hallelujah!)
emails which make me melt & swoon at the same time
wheatbag slippers (AMAZING)
Mer, honestly, what a champ, & I secretly really hope she will move back to New York sometime soon!
Yayoi Kusama for keeping it surreal
wedding invitations
being invited to participate in magnificent projects
playing dress up avec ma maman in vintage furs & ridiculous wigs
watching Old School & laughing out loud
“Now double your money & make it stack~”
Coco Avant Chanel (makes me want to throw all my clothing away, must resist!)
thinking about dressing in homage to Willy Wonka (I would wear a purple velvet coat & top hat, candy rings, false eyelashes made of licorice & a unicorn horn made of sugar)
writing challenges
people who hang up your dresses for you so that they won’t get wrinkled, how thoughtful & wonderful is that?!
having a hat babysitter
New York anticipation
Wellington coffee (I think I said it last week but it bears repeating)
electric blankets
watching television in bed
angora blankets
Bach flower remedies (still amazing)
& Aura-Soma (ditto)
Kruder & Dorfmeister (K&D Sessions is an oldie but a goodie)…

…Planning parties in my head (disco balls in the pool, see above!, sparklers in cupcakes, mandatory glitter for everyone, & huge bunches of flowers) spending lots of time with my father
Georgette for being so amazing all the time!
TOTALLY OBSESSING over Jay-Z & his occult connections (?!?!) & Jake says, “It’s all silly cuz you kinda just have to assume everyone is in on it, so if anyone came out against it is it like well maybe that person is just a puppet of the Illuminati trying to keep us distracted while they wear robes and $%#@ with the stockmarket?!”
my friends, who give the best advice ever
really heavy rain
Gareth Pugh
my mother who plans outfits way, way into the future
the very very clever Star for fixing how my site looks in Internet Explorer (!!!) …& I really can’t wait to get home & see my boy & his dog.
“The more time you put into being magnificent, the more you become magnificent; the more you put into being mediocre…”
Okay, magnifibunny! What is making you super-happy this week?