Carousel: Week Ending 30th July 2010

Just a little one this week — I was too busy whipping Love & Sequins #10 into submission to do much browsing!
Sunday Life: The fun of analysing dreams. Nice tie-in to Inception, hmm? (Did you see it? You should.)
Oh my god, these shoes — & this girl’s talent — are off the charts.
The Independent Fashion Bloggers’ Fair Compensation Manifesto. Amen sister!
If you’re not in New York, it’s almost cruel to tell you, but the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck has amazing goodies.
16 First Steps to Creating the Life You Want From Some of the World’s Best Bloggers. This is a great piece, & not the same old pieces of advice you’d expect!
Danielle asks, How much money do you want to make this year? It’s an important question! When she asked me, during our phonecall, I was all flustered & unsure. You have to get on top of it!
Things to do this weekend: meditate to Om Namah Shvaya!
Harmony: for doodlers!
How to Throw a Hipster Wedding in 5 Easy Steps. Um… Wait, do these people know that the term “hipster” is an insult?!
Oh my god, this is fabulous. Susie Bubble writes about the Townhouse Escape in London. Can we all go?!
5 Common Happiness Mistakes — “Boosters” That Actually Do More Harm Than Good. Yep, I’d agree with those!
How to tie a scarf from Wikifashion.
I like this behind the scenes video of a shoot for the Motorola Flipout. I mostly like watching stylists do their thing, it is so exciting to me!
Beauty in Everything is rather fab.
I love this article: 5 Stupid, Unfair & Sexist Things Expected of Men.
Not that I have any problem with the idea that women’s sexual pleasure ought to matter to men who have sex with them. The problem lies with the notion that women’s sexual pleasure is entirely men’s responsibility; that pleasing women ought to be completely instinctive; that women’s satisfaction is a victory to be achieved instead of an experience to be shared…
Fashion is superb!
RID fashion street snap is always good sartorial inspiration.
Are we ready? (LOVE this.)
The Lula scrapbook is very sweet.
Now I’m going to continue dreaming about renting out a huge office space… Mmmm… Have an incredible weekend!