Things I Love Thursday: My Last Day As A Bachelorette…

Today is my last day as a bachelorette. People keep asking, am I terrified? Am I nervous? No, not really. I actually feel surprisingly calm about the whole thing.
I was never one of those girls who grew up dreaming about their wedding dress, or about having children. My fantasies were more about seeing my name in lights, or writing a lot of books! In fact, even in my early twenties, I was convinced I’d never get married. I was thrilled at the idea of being a bachelorette forever. I thought I’d fly from continent to continent, having love affairs & doing whatever I pleased.
But when I met Mike, that all changed. The idea of living alone, which used to be one of my favourite things, started to lose its lustre. I wanted to spend all my time with Mike & Hank, instead! (How could you not want to?!) Mike would pull up to my apartment on his motorcycle, I’d jump on the back, & we’d ride all over the city, discovering new places & revisiting old favourites. After dating for only a few months, we moved in together. We’ve celebrated two Thanksgivings, two Christmases, & two birthdays each. We adopted Dolly Darling around this time last year, & she has brought so much (extra) joy into our lives.

Mike is such a good man. He rescued Hank when he saw him thrown from a van, is the best father to our dogs I could possibly imagine, & always stops to help animals in trouble! He is so generous with his time, knowledge & resources. He is intelligent & thoughtful, with impeccable manners. He encourages my weirdness — “yes! Wear those ears! & that petticoat!” — & always wants me around!
Even better, my father met him on Tuesday & they have been practically inseparable! They’re incredibly similar, & are getting along so well, talking about bikes & cars almost constantly. I asked my father what he thought, & he told me I couldn’t possibly have picked anyone better.

…Did I mention he is also hilarious, talented & extremely handsome?! (He made these pictures!)

Through it all, with every day, Mike has given me even more reason to believe that he is the man for me. He is my perfect complement, a wonderful (& much needed) counterbalance to my sometimes airy-fairy, not-so-practical outlook! He always has my back, he always does his best for me, & I know that our little family is always his first priority. I love him for being my best friend, for making me laugh, for pushing me when I need it. He is the best man I’ve ever met, & I absolutely adore him.