…More Ways To Prepare Yourself For 2012!

Empty your rubbish bins Buy two big bunches of beautiful, fresh flowers & display them prominently in your living room & bedroom
Change your bedding (in our case, we’ll be making the bed up with a slew of SUPER-CUTE stuff from Wake Up Frankie!)
Do a load of laundry & all your dishes
Give yourself a very sparkly, very magical manicure
Change the pictures hanging on your walls & put new photos up on your fridge
Switch up the rotation of magazines & books on your coffee-table
Reply to all your correspondence (Christmas cards, email, Facebook messages, et al…)
Charge your camera & cellphone batteries for tonight!
Give yourself a glamourous glittery eye (& there are millions of other great Youtube tutorials to choose from — just search!)
Go to a party store & stock up on sparklers!
Put a condom in your purse — even if you don’t need it, one of your friends might!
Write down all the things you’d like to leave behind in 2011, then burn it in a ceremonious fashion
Show up at your evening festivities with a bottle of something — never go anywhere empty-handed!
Make a wish at midnight!