A Very Beauty-Full Announcement!

Gasp! I’m now the Beauty & Style Editor at xoJane.com!
Yes, this is my big news! I am extremely excited to be joining the team at xoJane & having a brand-spankin’ new outlet for my enthusiasm & weirdness! I’ll be contributing a few times a week, writing about everything from how to get perfect sex hair to eyeliner that won’t run when you cry.
It all happened very quickly. Emily emailed me to ask if I’d be interested in the position on Sunday, & after walking around Central Park all day thinking about it, I asked if we could meet on Monday to discuss it. Our meeting was amazing, with Jane, Emily & I all getting way too excited & chatting up a storm! I had signed the contract by the end of the day. Bada-bing, bada-boom!
One of the best things about my new gig — other than the tremendous awesomeness of the xoJane staff & their hot pink offices — is that I feel like it will enable me to focus more on radical self love on galadarling.com.
Even though I’ve been writing about fashion & beauty here for almost six years (!!!), it’s time for galadarling.com to be more geared towards all things that help us fall in love with ourselves. That’s my focus & my passion! I get the biggest response from the articles that seek to help us become happier, stronger & more interesting, & I really want this site to be your one-stop-shop for all things radical self love! I’m very excited about narrowing my focus in this way.
As always, if there’s anything you’d love me to write about, or anything you’re having trouble with, please let me know!
Anyway, if you want to head over to xoJane & give me a big happy welcome, I’d love that! & don’t worry if you do love my beauty & fashion stuff, because I’ll be letting you know when my pieces go up over at xoJane!
Thanks so much to Jane & Emily for adopting me into their family of strange but brilliant girls. It’s a really lovely thing.