50 Things To Do Before Winter Ends

Freezing your toosh off? Feeling the urge to just sit around & grizzle about the weather? Shape up, cutie! Try doing these instead!
Find yourself a perfect red lipstick
Decorate your bedroom with fairy lights
Buy yourself an amazing bathrobe to lounge in
Start wearing multiple pairs of ripped stockings layered over each other
Bundle up & go for long night-time walks with someone cute
Drink more juice
Learn how to knit & make yourself an assortment of fabulous hats & scarves
Cultivate armpit hair (I think it’s kind of cute)
Stick jewels all over your library card
Prepare an enormous feast for your closest friends
Spend an entire weekend watching a box set of your favourite show
Make an effort to get out of the house every Sunday & go for a big breakfast
Hold hands with someone while you sleep
Wear a coat with a huge collar & pretend you’re a superhero in disguise
Guard against the dreaded lizard-skin by moisturising regularly!
Perfect a hot chocolate recipe
Tell ghost stories around a crackling fire
Buy a pair of hilarious slippers (preferably with a face on!)
Smile all the way to work — people will either smile back or think you’re mental. Either way, what bliss!
Cultivate a fabulous stocking collection & use them to dress up simple outfits
Go to the ballet
Yawn as often as you like
Give up smoking (huddling in the rain is no fun)
Procure a pair of ultra-cute mittens on a string
Allow yourself lots of quiet, dimly-lit alone time
Buy watercolours & a Moleskine notebook & go wild
Eat mashed potatoes
Carry a hot water bottle everywhere (I have a turquoise one which matches a lot of my clothing…)
Fall asleep to The Beatles
Dress up like a Eurotrash snow bunny
Make a fort
Read trashy novels in bed
Write long letters to your favourite people (even if they live nearby)
Buy an incredible umbrella
Choreograph dances in your living room to stay warm!
Wear ruffle-butt panties
Book a session in an isolation tank
Fill a huge glass jar in your living room with sweets
Wear a hoodie (with the hood pulled up) to sleep in
Buy an enormous fluffy rug
Imagine yourself sleeping on a big cloud
Reclaim old personality traits which have been trampled into oblivion
Find yourself a magical talisman
Listen to Fiona Apple & Elliott Smith over & over until you know all the words
Make a huge bowl of vegetarian chilli
Go ski-ing, stay in a chalet & wear an elaborate knitted jersey!
Watch Charlie Chaplin movies
Pick a new hero
Wear leg-warmers
Think about where you would like to spend your next winter!