Carousel: A May Round-Up!

May was a crazy good month! At least, it was in the context of online content. I felt like I was constantly saving links for you guys, and here they all are! I’m sure you’ll find plenty to keep you busy…
You’ll have to blame Shauna for sending this to me: Excerpts from Vanilla Ice’s Wikipedia page, offered without comment…
Yaz wrote about the top 10 superfoods for crazy glowy skin. How could you not click on that?!
The Weird Sexual Lives Of Young Girls. So awesome.
What do you do when you want someone who doesn’t want you back?
Why are women so goddamn great in business? Click that to find out!
It’s okay to poop at work. I can’t believe this is an article!
Here are the best bike rides in NYC. You might just see me on one!
I adore Gabi and her plus-size swimsuit range is TOO GOOD.
Ouch, here are 47 tattoos that are being regretted as we speak.
How to retire in 10 years. Whoah!
On the Hollywood dream: “They’re wondering, “How? How do I get noticed?” The hunger for this thing wafts off them like a wave of humidity on a hot day.”
Very interesting: how not to say the wrong thing.
Do you agree with this list of the ten best fictional boyfriends? I think I would have to add CLIFF from Bring It On! And Gomez from The Addams Family, though I guess he was a husband…
This made me laugh… 8 photos you don’t see on Instagram (but probably should).
Kinda nerdy, but good if you’re interested in online advertising: Facebook, Google Ad Execs Spar Over The Value Of A Click.
Need some more inner peace? Yaz wrote about the top five meditation apps. Hooray!
This dog has four prosthetic legs!
If any airline was going to do it, of course it would be Virgin… Vivienne Westwood is designing their new uniforms.
Paul Jarvis swears a lot. I can empathise!
If Twitter Bios Told The Truth. My favourite: “My employer will fire me if I tweet the wrong thing, but at least they provide health insurance.”
GQ interviewed Ricky Gervais and there are some real gems in there. I think the journalist was a bit rough, though!
(On David Bowie) I remember, I think, the first time that I knew him when it was his birthday, I sent him an e-mail that said “57???? Isn’t it about time that you got a proper job? Ricky Gervais, 42, comedian.” He sent back: “I have a proper job. David Bowie, 57, Rock God.”
(On his new show, Derek) I hope so. I hope it is surprising. If I don’t surprise, just watch The Office again. If I don’t constantly surprise and polarize, there’s no point, really.
Ahahaha. 17 ways to tell you’ve been in your relationship forever.
Stop playing the I’m all alone game.
10 things most Americans don’t know about America.
Will yoga give you a perfect ass? Maybe not. Yoga’s 21st Century Facelift & the Myth of the Perfect Ass(ana).
I kinda loved this story on Leo and Tobey’s bromance. I had no idea about any of this!
Here are 42 flowers you can eat, if you feel so inclined!
Kris Atomic wrote about the joy of accounting. As she says, “It’s not cute to misunderstand the basics of accounting. If you’re a self-employed woman in your twenties working in the arts or fashion, there are more than enough opportunities for financial institutions to treat you like you’re a moron, trust me. There’s no need to make their job easier by not actually knowing what’s up.”
If you have apartment angst, this will make you feel better… I promise.
This review of Gwyneth Paltrow’s diet is awesome. After I read it, I went on a rampage, reading the author’s other pieces where she tries the celebrity diets of Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor and Jackie Kennedy… Fascinating.
Ryan Gosling! Eat your cereal!
Do you believe in alien abductions? A group of experiencers meet up every year to talk about it, and Vanity Fair covered it. And uh, once you start researching, there is a lot of information out there. This hybrid children site is fascinating.
3 things that make drag queens endearing. I loved this. The world is a better place with drag queens in it!
Madison Moore is the most fierce professor… Ever.
NY magazine’s profile on Michael Douglas — and Behind The Candlebra (which was SO AMAZING!) — is an excellent, utterly engrossing read.
I always enjoy reading the hows and whys behind a story arc on a show I love. It’s kind of like writer porn. With that in mind, here are the New Girl showrunners on building the second season toward its “big kiss”—and the aftermath.
When it comes to email pitches, no means no!
Completely brilliant: The Big Wins Manifesto. As Ramit says, you can’t outfrugal your way to being rich.
Here are 6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life (Without Actually Having to Clean Things). Yay!
Ever wanted a glitter floor? (I will not be responsible if your significant other is FURIOUS about this!)
When it comes down to it, manners don’t change that much. Here are some art of conversation do’s and don’ts from 1866.
The silence that, without any deferential air, listens with polite attention, is more flattering than compliments, and more frequently broken for the purpose of encouraging others to speak, than to display the listener’s own powers. This is the really eloquent silence. It requires great genius—more perhaps than speaking—and few are gifted with the talent…
Cheerfulness, unaffected cheerfulness, a sincere desire to please and be pleased, unchecked by any efforts to shine, are the qualities you must bring with you into society, if you wish to succeed in conversation.
Ricky Gervais on the difference between American and British humour.
My reflexologist, Deborah Flanagan, wrote about the best DIY reflexology gadgets, so you can get the perks without spending the dosh!
Rabbit went to skinny-mini speed-dating. And you probably know this already, but she is one of my favourite writers ever.
Here are some things that Sarah Wilson doesn’t own.
Lessons in Contentment from Billionaires Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger from Leo of Zen Habits.
You don’t have to be local. I identify with this a lot. When I lived in Melbourne, I didn’t connect with anyone locally — I was focussed on being global. And as much as I love NYC, I operate the same way here: I put my attention on the world more than I put on my local community. A good read.
Awesome: 10 creative ways to use disposable cameras.
Olivia’s story about getting facial feminization surgery is intense.
Also, Zoe Saldana is maybe bisexual? “I might end up with a woman, raising my children…that’s how androgynous I am.”
You can watch this documentary for free and perhaps you should: Park Avenue: Money, Power & The American Dream.
The way you turn your face in your profile picture says a lot about you.
Anger is normal, but it’s our choice as to what we do with it.
Scientific American on why rituals work.
International playgirls take note: 10 hotel secrets from behind the front desk!
Seth says you should buy the book. And I love what he says about consistent bloggers vs bloggers who only show up when they have something to promote.
I absolutely love this piece on Beyonce and how we need to stop policing everything she does in the name of feminism.
How does Chris Brown get away with it? This is something I have often wondered…
The ancient Egyptians had ritual sex and public drunkenness as a form of worship!
How to spend half a million dollars on clothes… And what it all means. Absolutely fascinating and extremely well-written (by the guy who wrote Friday Night Lights).
The ritual became the same: online bingeing timed to any mood, feeling anxious, feeling depressed, feeling flat, feeling excited, and desperately wanting another excitement hit. (I am on medication for mild bipolarity.) So utterly displaced, I increasingly felt that life, which is a process of drowning in minutiae, was even more of a process of drowning in minutiae. Clothing took me out of it.
How intense are these YESpaper paper sculptures?! I just keep imagining a wall covered with them!
Here’s how Austin Kleon writes.
What happens when you take an online sabbatical? You realise the internet isn’t the problem, you are.
I’m loving this blog by Five Star Greece. While I won’t be renting a $6000 villa anytime soon, their perspective of what to do in the Greek Islands is fabulous, and the whole thing is a stellar example of how to really use a blog to support a business.
More Greek Islands daydreaming fodder. Drool.
Very cool: Github for writing novels.
This apartment is so cute, I love it!
Resentment is the biggest relationship killer.
Can you learn to be okay with being unpopular?
Being unpopular as an adult means that we’re being authentic. It means that we’re being so loyal to who we are that we’re not willing to morph into something else just to please other people.
Here’s how to really enjoy a day off!
I always feel like true, full experience happiness is just out of reach.
‘Fat Talk’ Compels but Carries a Cost. To summarise, despite the fact that it bonds us as women, it harms more than it helps. But you knew that already, right?
Four pricing principles to never forget, including this gem: “If they’re not willing to pay you, then they’re not your customers.”
VICE interviewed Alexis Neiers, of Pretty Wild fame. (She was part of the Bling Ring, too.) She’s sober now and a lot has changed. Apparently she was living in a Best Western while they filmed Pretty Wild, addicted to heroin and plenty else. I had no idea!
Which emotions do dogs actually experience? Ah, this is so interesting!
They’re going to put a pool in the East River this summer. That’s amazing and insane all at once.
Erin had some very astute thoughts about body image and self worth.
Don’t make things for everyone… I beg of you!
Make a Wish: The 11:11 Phenomenon And What It Means, courtesy of the AstroTwins.
Um… This made me laugh. Thanks, Sean.
Invisible People is humanising the homeless.
And on a drastically different note, How I Helped Mark Cuban Make A Billion Dollars — And 5 Things I Learned From Him.
People are starved for love and affection. They thrash out everywhere to find it (business, games, relationships, etc) because they didn’t find it as children. And when they see someone else get love (money), they can’t understand it. Love doesn’t exist so how did X, Y, or Z get it? It must be luck.
Would you like to read a list of common misconceptions? Honestly, this could keep you busy for WEEKS! For example, Jesus was probably born in September. (Such a Virgo, as if there was ever any doubt!)
100 books that should be written is basically the best idea for a design project EVER, and funny as hell.
Tina Fey responds to her critics. Bravo.
12 insights from Seth Godin on the emotional marketing revolution. Ugh, I love him so much! And by the way, here’s his Creative Mornings talk!
Here’s a list of all of Stefon’s hottest clubs. This post has EVERYTHING: ghosts, banjos, Carl Paladino, a stuck-up kitten who won’t sign autographs, furkels…
Which of these four personality types are you: Upholder, Questioner, Rebel or Obliger?
Creative people say no… So stop feeling guilty and start saying it!
Ever wondered what it’s like to approach women?
What about the subcultural punk fashions the Met left out?
22 ingeniously defaced textbooks and exam papers. I truly love things like this.
We have to stop worrying about the younger woman, and “the chilling fear that you’re going to end up alone for no reason other than that you dared to age.”
This is how Americans learned to love diamonds.
Flappers with sad eyes: 20 exquisite sorrows.
Photo from Charcoal Alley. I love the colours!