50 Ways To Have A Very Un-Valentine’s Day!

I walked into Rite-Aid today & was horrified by the never-ending aisle of chocolates in tacky heart-shaped boxes, cheap teddybears & ugly tchotchkes. What could be less romantic than planning to be romantic?!
Two years ago, I wrote one of my most popular articles ever: Very Definitely Not Dinner & A Movie: 50 Alternative First Date Ideas! If you’re in a relationship, you might find something within that list that makes your Valentine’s Day a little less conventional & a little more cozy.
…But we’re not all in relationships. This one’s for all my single ladies… !
Yes ma’am! What follows are 50 ideas to make being solo not-so-sucky. In fact, being single is awesome… Embrace it!
Share it around, send it to your girlfriends or boyfriends, & enjoy the day!
Buy yourself a sex toy. My favourite is Jimmyjane’s Form 2. You will never need anything else, I promise!
Spend the day relaxing. Put on a face mask, order some food & watch your favourite movies all night long.
Go & get a massage…
…Or reflexology…
…Or a session of hypnosis…
…Or a glittery gel manicure…
…Or whatever else really makes you happy.
Get really dressed up.
Wear something fantastic on your head, like a flower crown or a pair of ears.
Invite your BFF over for dinner, & have her/him spend the night. I love late nights & early mornings with friends.
If you’re feeling bad, go for a really aggressive workout.
Dance in public.
Plan your perfect day, then go out & make it happen!
Write love letters to all your closest friends.
Buy yourself flowers… Not just today, but at least once a week!
Clean your bedroom & rearrange it according to feng shui.
Commit yourself to radical self love!
Take a burlesque class, & smile at yourself while you shimmy in front of the mirror.
Sleep in… & have wonderful dreams.
Write a list of the things that make you fabulous. Stick it to your mirror & re-read it every morning.
Bake heart-shaped cookies, write compliments on them in icing, & hand them out to your co-workers.
Talk back to anyone who tells you “no”.
Do a love spell.
Celebrate the fact that you don’t have to compromise with someone else’s taste! Paint one wall of your apartment bright pink & delight in it.
Buy a piece of art!
Spend some time with a dog.
Lounge around all day in a vintage slip, like a sultry sex kitten.
Splurge. ‘Cause you’re an adult, & that means you get to do whatever you want!
Take yourself out to brunch, like Skylar!
Light candles & meditate.
Start a magnificent project. Like Lady Gaga says, “Your career will never wake up one morning & tell you it doesn’t love you anymore.” A little cynical, perhaps, but she has a point. Invest in yourself!
Re-read your favourite book.
Wear bright pink lipstick.
Drink champagne with your best friend & laugh until you cry.
Write postcards to your long-lost buddies.
Buy sky lanterns, make wishes & release them with your friends.
Go on the hunt for your new signature scent.
Decorate your bicycle!
Wear a tutu. If not today, when?!
Move on.
Find a trampoline… & jump on it. A lot!
Go to IKEA & buy yourself something to make your home a little more magical: fairy lights? A plant? Sequin cushions?
Plan a trip to an amusement park with someone who makes you smile!
Get rid of all that stuff your ex gave you.
Get your tarot cards read.
Start writing a journal.
Read comics.
Be your own valentine.
Spend the day by yourself, doing whatever you want…
Have the best day ever. Tweet me & let me know what you get up to!
Eternal love,
Photo by Lisa Devlin.