Behind The Scenes: Las Vegas, In Instagram Format!
I have plenty to share from Las Vegas, but the first thing I wanted to show you is this quick collection of Instagram snaps!
Las Vegas is — without a doubt — one of the most fun places in the U.S.A. Where else can you pose with five Elvii (it’s the plural of Elvis!), two showgirls & one Michael Jackson impersonator all in one day? Where else can you wear a full beehive & major eye make-up at 9am, & not have anyone bat an eyelid? Where else is it acceptable — if not encouraged — to wear all sequin everything, even to the breakfast buffet? VEGAS, BABY! Suffice to say, we had a great time!
As we talked about it, Nubby & Kat & I realised that one of the reasons why our time away felt so restorative was because we were pretty much unplugged the whole time. It really inspired me to bring this practice into my daily life. So, my new weekly goal is to spend at least one day out of the house, & leave my phone at home. (The weekend doesn’t count!) I’m very excited about this & I think it will bring me a real sense of peace. How often do you unplug? Probably not often enough!
Even still, the three of us always had our phones on us, & the iPhone is such a quick & great way of capturing a moment that we ended up posting quite a lot of pictures to Instagram. I think they make for a pretty concise round-up of what we got up to… So here they are!
P.S. If you’re not following me on Instagram, you should be! My username is galadarling (shocking, I know)!

Hello! This was taken on our first night, at Vesper Bar, before heading to a party where David McNeil did Bruce Springsteen karaoke & we took about a million photobooth pictures!

Vegas is full of fake landmarks. This was the view from our hotel room: the Eiffaux Tower!

Here’s some of the wallpaper in the Cosmopolitan bathrooms. Can you see the girls?!

Maus on the town! This is from our first night, too. You can see Nubby — & her ears — in the mirror behind me!

If Vegas is one thing, it’s excessive. This is a statue near the taxi stand at Caesar’s Palace. “I am a golden god!” Or goddess, as the case may be!

These girls at Bettie Page had the best hair ever!

This place is scary. Talk about the worst of America. In fact, when you go in there, they put you in a hospital gown…

Some guy had a heart attack eating here last month 🙁

Dreamy (but way too big) shoes…

…At Louboutin world!

We had our fortunes told by Zoltar! They were scarily accurate, too!

We made a friend… We named him Cabo Wabo!

By total chance, I found Chloe! & she was sitting in a SHOE!

Big hair forever! Thanks so much to the girls at Your Beauty Call for this. So amazing! I need to wear my hair like this every day…

Elves, all dressed up at 9am.

Bathroom portraits: a time-honoured tradition!

The fountains at the Bellagio are one of my favourite things about the city. I never get sick of them. This photo was taken while Billie Jean was playing!

The day after our photoshoot, with slept-in — but still big — hair.

The Cosmopolitan, where we stayed, has the biggest chandelier in the world. Here is a tiny, beautiful fraction of it.

I love a good hat! I didn’t buy this, but I think I need to…

Holiday snaps.

Standing in line…

Handbag porn!

Leaving Las Vegas… It’d be hard for me to lose my luggage!
Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse! I can’t wait to share more with you, including the list of things we did — & wish we’d done! — while in Sin City!
Love & really, really big hair,
P.S. If you liked this post, you might also enjoy having a squizz at my photos from Utah, some festive pictures from December & my very first Behind The Scenes post!