Behind The Scenes: Leopard-Print Coats & Plenty To Love!
Cough, cough! Hello, from Illville! Mike & I have both been super-sick with this terrible cough — so bad I can barely talk. We’ve been spending our time cuddled up under multiple blankets, drinking tea & heating up endless pots of chicken soup. I have so much to do but I’m trying not to guilt myself over it, & allow myself time to recover & heal!
I’ve been making good use of my time — well, my definition of “good use”! — by researching potential adventures in NYC, as well as brand new beauty products! (Boy, do I love a good beauty prod!) My adventure research has been quite fruitful so far, I’ve found burlesque shows & slam poetry nights, taxidermy classes & porno bingo, all going on my list of Things To Do! This is such an amazing city, & sometimes I forget about that, so it’s good to be reminded. & beauty products, oh my. You should see my Amazon wishlist! I can’t wait to dig into some new eye creams, gradual tanners, fragrances, oils, & scrubs!
I’ve been doing a bit of reading, too. On the plane back from Utah, I got lost in Think & Grow Rich — one of the best books of all time, if you ask me — as well as Brand Like A Rockstar. Really, iBooks is one of the best things to happen to me, especially when I’m travelling. Inevitably, mid-flight, my laptop conks out & I need something else to do… & I just flick on my iPhone, & start reading. I also recently received Gail Larsen’s Transformational Speaking — I’m dying to do her course but the dates are so far away! — & Pink Smog, the prequel to Weetzie Bat. I’m very excited to dig into them!

I was on the cover of Funs NY magazine this month! You can read the magazine here, but um, it’s in Japanese! Inside, they featured three people who were transplants to NYC — me & two Japanese guys — & followed our stories. So cute, & I’m so flattered!
Ten things I love this week: Chocolate-chip pancakes, strawberries & chocolate ice-cream — all vegan — delivered to our door at 11pm. (Just one more reason to never leave New York City!)
Dolly’s craziness & Hank’s gentle lovingness.
Soy chai lattes from Starbucks, & I’m feeling especially good about them since discovering that Starbucks uses organic soy milk (i.e., not Monsanto seeds. Have you seen Food, Inc.? Terrifying stuff).
Agonising over buying the perfect kettle. (It’s distressingly enjoyable. I think I want a yellow one by Le Creuset!)
Las Vegas anticipation! I can’t wait to see Nubby & Kat & Jasmine again.
Getting a new pair of bunny ears — my most stupendous pair yet, in fact! Can’t wait to show you!
Cleaning the house. Nothing else really needs to be said, except that it is one of the best mood-elevators I know of! totally brilliant? I’d say so!
Big chunks of amethyst, rose quartz & citrine sitting on my desk!
Discovering amazing treasure trove stores with chatty, friendly proprietors. Best!

Hank’s nose is my favourite!

My outfit from Day One of Alt Summit: Betsey Johnson skull romper, Betsey Johnson tutu, vintage velvet blazer, Betsey Johnson kiss-print stockings, Matiko Ai booties!

Salt Lake City has killer vintage shopping. This coat is my new favourite!

So obsessed.

On the ground at Salt Lake City airport.

…& flying away…

Macarons! As Nubby said, “Sugar rainbow!”

By the way, are you following me on Instagram yet?! My username is — surprise, surprise! — galadarling. Let’s be friiiiiends!
Despite having the plague, I’ve been so pleasantly surprised by this year’s winter! We’ve had all the best things — bracing mornings, bright sunlight, ample time to bust out coats, hats & gloves, & the (very) occasional snow — with none of the horribleness. No slush, very little rain, it’s been super-mild & barely dipped below zero. I LOVE IT!
Spending a little time at Park Here the other day definitely got me fired up for spring & summer, & all the wonderful things that come along with it. Birds chirping, fresh green shoots, cherry blossoms & bare shoulders… Big blue skies, coconut & vanilla-scented skin, rooftop parties & kisses on street corners… It’s my favourite time of year. So happy! I’m counting down the days!

Aw, they’re so cute.

恭 禧 发 财 !
I spent my day in Chinatown, gawking at the Chinese Lunar New Year festivities! It was pretty dragontastic, as you might expect — being the Year of the Dragon & all! Finally, I headed up to WholeFoods, where I spent absolutely aaaaages wandering around every aisle & reading every label. That, to my Virgo mind, is my idea of a good time! Quelle nerd!

…& don’t you forget it!
Bisoux & blessings,
P.S. If you liked this “behind the scenes” post, read the others! (Such a fun feature. I love doing these!)