Betsey Johnson’s Apartment
Elle Decor UK (August 2007) published a spread on Betsey Johnson’s New York apartment, which she recently redecorated. You can see some pictures of it here — it’s gorgeous. Pink & silver & crystal, oh my!
While I was poking around Flickr, trying to find photos of the aforementioned feature, I found an article on her apartment from a few years ago, which shows what it was like before. Voila!

The following photos are from Betsey’s perfume launch held in her own apartment… Love those pink helium balloons with their tails creating an impermanent curtain.

“Buy what you love. Forget the trends – what’s in & what’s out. Even if the item is a crazy little bra or hotpants, it’s important to love it for what it is.”– Betsey Johnson
Extra For Experts:
Betsey on redecorating — “Make it personal. I like houses that totally reflect their owners. Take some chances. Try those colors you’ve always loved but were afraid to use. What’s the worst that can happen? You have to start over again? So what? Decorating is fun. And maybe you’ll learn something about yourself in the process.”
Betsey on travelling — “In London, Rellik is big time for us. We also hit the Portobello Market, Mary Moore and Virginia in Clarendon Cross. Steinberg & Tolkien on the New Kings Road is also good. I also like Alfies.”
Betsey Johnson: America’s 25 Most Fascinating Entrepreneurs. “The fashion world has always loved Betsey Johnson’s whimsical personality and outrageous designs. But nobody would put money on her when she decided to start her own company. Could she really build a successful business around silver micro minis and pink tutus?”