Carousel: Cross-Eyed Opossums, Banksy’s Real Identity & Top Flirting Tips!
For your viewing pleasure… A selection of ways to keep yourself amused (&/or procrastinating!) this Friday!
I finally saw Black Swan on Sunday. It was fantastic! As with everything I fall in love with, I did some research. Here’s a cool video of after-effects, & Nancy compiled this excellent piece: Black Swan: Everything you ever wanted to know. There was a LOT of work put into that movie, & it shows. Loved it.
I recently discovered Veggie Wedgie (thanks Jenn!)–makes raw food look so amazing!
Heidi, the Cross-Eyed Opossum, Charms Germany. Awwwwwhhhh!! She needs a cartoon & a book deal, stat.
Jeannie is offering a free printable 2011 calendar & it is gorgeous!
20 personal money practices that got me to a place of grooving prosperity by Danielle LaPorte. Here’s part two. Take it from a woman who knows!
From Louise L. Hay: Love Your Inner Child. She is the best!
What Goes Around Comes Around interviewed Shae! (I miss her!)
Here are some up & coming styles & trends from Japan. My favourite? “Blog Girl”, especially because they’re wearing Mickey Mouse ears!
Gender Essentialism, Masculinity, and Sex-Negativity from Charlie Glickman:
By talking about “men” as if we all experience sexuality in the same way, both of these folks reinforce and reify one of the foundations of the problem that they’re trying to critique.
Skeleton animal wall decals… If I had a personal library, these would be on the walls.
Dying to know the identity of Banksy? Here’s your answer…
Wait! I know who it is! THIS is the real Banksy!
Nicki Minaj is gorgeous but I think so much more could have been done with the styling!
This list of common misconceptions (via Wikipedia) is incredible! Vikings never wore horns on their helmets?! My life is over! Drug urban legends is great too.
Tim Ferriss on tolerable mediocrity, false idols, diversifying your identity & the advice he gives startups from 37 Signals. (I am kind of a Tim Ferriss nerd. Don’t hate me.)
What did you think of this article on why Chinese mothers are superior?
Jezebel asked me for my top flirting tips. Here they are!
Destination Luxury makes sexy interior design tour videos.
This is the BEST news story I’ve read all year. I’m French, fuck you! Amazing.
What your favorite magazine says about you is pretty funny. Like this, about Lula (which I love, but does not make the following any less true):
You’re a dreamer who wears $600 potato sack Rodarte dresses, or you want to anyway. You never spend your money on U.S. fashion magazines because they just don’t “get it”; they’re so dull. You like flowery pastel colors and hearts and spend all your time pattern making in your bedroom while listening to Au Revoir Simone.
10 cliches about relationships & sex that are worth questioning & the new rage in Russia: homemade bunjee jumping? from Thought Catalog.
Alicia is such a sex-bomb. I don’t even think she knows!
Let’s all go GLAMPING! This is something I can get behind!
Elin Kling (Sweden’s most famous fashion blogger) is my new blog crush. Hello GAWJUS! Also, she just designed a collection for H&M–pretty impressive!
World landmarks reflected in bubbles. Fab!
A cross section of the mind of God?
Behind the scenes of The Sartorialist is an interesting look into how Scott works.
Have a spectacular weekend!