Carousel: Ghost Sex, A Funeral For Fashion Blogging, And Childlessness
Oh hey! It’s almost October — fancy that! I’m extra-excited about it BECAUSE on Monday, I’ll be revealing our October Instagram challenge. Ahhh! It’s going to be so much fun. Just you wait!
I have a big weekend ahead, teaching The Blogcademy, and gallivanting around the city with my best babes. It’s gonna be a goodie. Hope your weekend is superb, too!
The Coveteur reviewed some celebrity workout videos, including Cher, Claudia Schiffer, and even Marky Mark.
I love these fluoro bathrooms.
Veronica Varlow advises us on creating your very own badass gang of inspiration.
I did an interview with Cleo magazine about, well, everything!
There are now Diana Vreeland-inspired perfumes. Pretty amazing!
Here’s everything you need to know about ghost sex. Okay then. I didn’t know that was a thing! You learn something every day…
Are You The One? is the BEST show I’ve seen in ages. 20 people are in a house in Hawaii, and everyone has a perfect match… But now they have to figure out who it is. Serious binge-watching material (and it’s free on Amazon Prime). Mike and I devoured it in three nights. Ughhhh so good.
Hey, let’s talk about dick size. And vaginas. Why not?
Prayer is stupid, right? I love this take on prayer, because it’s exactly what I believe, too.
Would you ever try heavy metal yoga?
Let fame and fortune be the byproducts of a life well-lived. NICE.
Then, it hit me during a conversation I had with my cousin, that everything I’ve thought I desired were meant to be BYPRODUCTS, not DREAMS. Most of what I’ve desired (money, fame, fortune, accolades, admiration) are byproducts of a life well-lived and a life that is guided by passion and love. Because, although of course it would be wonderful to write a bestselling novel, I have to enjoy the time it takes to write the novel, the bestseller status a natural byproduct (or not!) of the work I put into it. I want money to come as a byproduct of a day to day work that is fulfilling and worthwhile to me. Money, as a goal, has been the most fruitless pursuit of my life and I’m glad I’ve realized this at only 29 years old.
Here are some ways to support the bloggers you love. Great ideas!
The Magnolia hype in NYC has, I think, finally died down. Here is one man’s story about working as a Magnolia Bakery cupcake bouncer. Yes, this is a real thing.
Want a rug with Fiona Apple lyrics woven into it? Of course you do! Me too!
Here are 11 bird’s-eye views that show how NYC has grown in the last 350 years.
Robin Williams was way cooler than I ever thought possible.
Nothing is better than finding a new blog to obsess over. My new favourite is Aunt Peaches. I am totally gung-ho on this knob bobbles idea. Oh Aunt Peaches, let’s be FRIENDS!
Do bloggers make more money than editors? (Yep!)
I love Karley’s Vogue column, Breathless. This one, on marriage, is excellent.
The oral history of Tinder = FASCINATING.
What’s your learning style? Take a quick test to find out!
How the lost chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was discovered. (Roald Dahl is my birthday twin!)
Why do musicians want to leave major labels? It’s because labels don’t have a clue.
A damn good question: who is living your dream? Love this post.
A funeral for fashion blogging. It’s true, the game has changed.
Nick Cave on the creative process.
Here’s an iPhone wallpaper to remind you to read a book, instead!
Also, keeping your overhead low is the secret to success. Totally agree.
The vocabulary they use in New Girl is the best. “I can see your party hats.” Meow!
What’s the difference between riches, wealth, and success? So good!
Spanking is great for sex, which is why it’s grotesque for parenting.
Ayahuasca will make you cry, vomit, and feel amazing.
Here are some Netflix hacks that will change your viewing experience forever! I didn’t even know Netflix hacks existed. Just, wow.
What if you’re not sure whether you want kids or not?
There’s really no evidence, she says, that women have a biological urge to procreate. Humans are the only animal that can choose whether or not to spawn. When you joke that your ovaries are jumping, it’s really your brain thinking, I’d like to be a mother someday. You’re emotionally — not biologically — processing all those cute baby photos on Instagram.
Here are 25 famous women on childlessness. And if this resonates with you, my article — I Don’t Want Children! Am I A Freak?! Why Won’t Everyone Leave Me Alone?! — might make you smile, too!
This is ridiculous, and funny… 24 grandparents who are way better than you at using the internet. Oh geez.
I couldn’t help but wonder (lol) about these Sex & The City facts.
Jokes that only American Horror Story fans will understand. Oh, AHS! I can’t wait for it to come back to television!
I absolutely love Orange You Lucky and her beautiful, bright artwork!
Joan River’s spiritual guide is fighting crime with Voodoo in New Orleans.
Why do rappers put on fake accents? Linguistics is so fascinating.
Nicholas Cage, you sure are a character.
An English journalist complained about the NYC subway, and of course, the MTA bit back.
Who needs a cuddle buddy? Everyone, it turns out.
My babe Helen wrote an awesome post on poverty.