Carousel: How To Be A Lone Unicorn!

Photo by miamizeissPhoto by miamizeiss.

Here’s to the weekend! I got back from Las Vegas late last night, & though I am missing my girlfriends, it’s certainly good to be home. Mike, Hank, Dolly & I spent most of today sleeping — it was much needed & quite glorious! I hope you enjoy these links with a big glass of something delicious… & I encourage you to watch the two videos at the end. They’re really very, very good.

Here’s the history of nails at New York Fashion Week.

Roald Dahl/Quentin Blake stamps! Um, can someone in the United Kingdom please send me a letter with one of these attached?!

I want a bottle of lavender cordial in my fridge all summer. It just seems like one of those luxurious essentials…

My sweet friend Katelan is painting her own tarot, & I am so honoured that she chose to portray me as The Star! What she wrote about the process of painting this card is wonderful, too.

Here’s a really useful infographic: if you’re craving this, you need this…

I love this interview with my favourite interior designer, Antonio Ballatore. If you don’t know who he is, you need to get your booty over to HGTV & start watching his show!

Bianca Valentino interviewed Kathleen Hanna!

I wrote a piece for ChinaShop about Lauren Moffatt’s Old School for Wayward Girls. Such a cute presentation!

Here are the Google street view images you weren’t supposed to see…

Hannah wrote a style direction of her own, & the illustrations kill me with cuteness!

This woman scammed money from Nigerian scammers… Pretty legendary!

From Alex “Sparklepanties” Franzen: It’s not an audition, it’s a performance — sound advice from her momma, & 50 ways to say, “You’re Awesome!” Love!

My friend Nicolette did a shopping guide for Lucky magazine & it really makes me want to go out & have a big spend-up!

I’ve really started to pay attention to the contents of my cosmetics recently. If you don’t think this is important, have a look at this infographic: What you need to know about cosmetics & chemicals.

A Q&A with Carré Otis on body image, healing, yoga, meditation & orgasms. Carré was one of the biggest models of her time, & she’s recently written a book about the dark side of the business.

Robert Downey Jr does yoga. Awesome.

I just discovered Mind Body Green & I’m enjoying it quite a lot! Here’s their NYC wellness guide.

Here’s a list of 10 things to remind yourself on a daily basis.

Is soda really that bad? In a word, yes.

If you travel a lot — or you’re just a busy person — you probably love protein bars! Here’s a breakdown of the vegan ones, so you can make an informed choice next time you go to pick one up.

My friend Crosby wrote a book for anyone who wants to get into fashion PR!

Teamwork is overrated: How to be a lone unicorn from Bullish. YES. BEST. Love love love this quote below…

I feel like I write these columns for women who are trying to do hard, great, risky things – and who are made to feel by those around them that they’re crazy, or trying too hard, or not playing along.

I’m here to tell you to either beat those people at everything, or just ignore them.

Then they can go to networking events and mouth the same stale platitudes and chit-chat to each other that they say all the time, because they have nothing to show for themselves but a lot of contacts in their phone and another year’s paycheck in exchange for another year’s job attendance. Unicorns say: fuck that.

Killing Me Softly part one.

…& part two.
